


The crisp and fresh scent of the air, the steaming coffee and the peaceful afternoon, nothing I could imagine to be felt so divine before. Just few months ago, I kept questioning myself, constantly. What's the reason for my existence, the reason for my hard working or the reason being so patient with my parents who never valued me as a person. What's the reason for me to stay alive even after knowing I am different than others? What's the point of living even after everything? All those questions I have kept repeating in my head until I saw her. The first thing I felt inside was - It was worth of living.

It's only been a week since we have started getting closer after that night. As she promised, she has been opening up to me. She is surprisingly adorable and sweet person. like an Angel. She is intelligent too. Within few days, she has become more closer to me. She blushes every time our gaze meets. She tries to initiate the talking and physical interaction. She tries to ta
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