
63| Peace

Valerie received the call about Nelson's dad's worsening condition and rushed to share the news. She found Nelson in his study, surrounded by books and papers, seemingly unfazed by the update.

She urged him to go to the hospital, but Nelson remained unmoved.

Frustrated, Valerie took the kids and went to the hospital herself. Nelson's dad, lying in the hospital bed, weakly conveyed to Valerie that time was running out.

If Nelson didn't come soon, he wanted to leave a recorded message for his son.

In the recorded message, Nelson's father began with an admission of his mistakes towards Nelson. He expressed regret for not believing Nelson's mother and recounted the night they got intimate, acknowledging that he was often drunk and had little recollection of events.

His father disclosed that he doubted Nelson's paternity because he believed his mother was trying to pass another man's son off as his own. He confessed to mistreating Nelson as a result of this misunderstanding.

But the reve
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