
Chapter 145

Three weeks after Shayla moved in with Cole.

I jump out of my skin when a box lands in front of me with a thud. I slowly lift my gaze from my notebook and look up at a beaming Cole standing there with his hands stuffed in his pockets as he rocks back and forth on his heels cheerily. “What is this?” I question, pointing my pen at the wrapped-up box.

Cole grins wickedly, and I already know I’m not going to like what I find in that box. “A gift for you.” He tells me, practically giddy. I eye him suspiciously as I unwrap the box, and my eyes go wide when I see what it was.

“Cole, what the hell is this?” I ask in a flurry, my neck already heating up. Cole licks his lips and raises his brows till they almost disappeared in his hairline. “Why would you get me.... this?”

“Do I need to remind you of the bet that you lost the other night?” He reminds me gleefully, and I glare at him.

I look around the office and hide the box under my desk, away from prying e

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Comments (8)
goodnovel comment avatar
It would have been nice if these were in the story while readying not way after they got married
goodnovel comment avatar
Why are we back in the apartment and dating when they are married and have a house and she pregnant?
goodnovel comment avatar
Farha Bhagalia
I'm so confused weren't they already married now why are they sleeping in different rooms or that she just moved it ??? I can't understand starting to hate this book now

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