
Chapter 152

"Happy birthday!"

I look up from my desk and see Shayla standing in the doorway to my home office--naked, a cupcake with a candle in her hand, looking all kinds of sumptuous. I grin and lean back in my chair and admire my wife. Four months pregnant with my baby, and she's absolutely glowing, literally the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on. She's got a cute baby bump where she's finally starting to show. "Lord, have mercy. Show me a more desirable birthday gift than you, baby. Get your sexy bum over here, Mrs Hoult." I tell her, and she smiles and saunters over to me.

"Make a wish, baby." She expresses, holding out the cupcake with the candle to me. I lift my gaze to hers over the flame and smile.

"Honey, what more can I possibly wish for? I have you. We have a baby on the way and all the success I can ever dream of." I tell her, and she smiles amorously and bites her lip.

"You forgot the most important thing—health. You can wish for health,

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goodnovel comment avatar
Anna Marie Soria
babies move around before 4-5 months and only the mother's feel it.
goodnovel comment avatar
a baby the size of an apple kicking at 16 weeks... very doubtful. most women find out at 12-16 weeks, babies don't move till 4-5 months.
goodnovel comment avatar
Sigh the audio button disappeared! I cant finish the story now since I had it on list mode at work.

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