
Chapter 154

"Oh, hell yes," I moan as I pick up my caramel latte from the coffee machine. I bring the cup of delicious coffee to my lips, just as I'm about to take a sip, it gets taken out of my hand, "Hey, I was about to drink that," I complain and lift my gaze to my sexy husband who was scowling at me.

"No caffeine while you are pregnant." He scolds me, and I sulk, looking at him.


"Ah!" Cole cuts me off, holding up a finger, silencing me. "Herbal tea," He smiles, handing me a hot mug of steaming crap. I glance down at the tea and back at him.

"What the hell is this?" I question, wrinkling my nose, and Cole smirks.

"Decaffeinated tea. It's camomile. It's relaxing." He informs me, and I stare at him blankly.

"Honey, if I wanted to relax, I would have stayed in bed. I got the coffee because I need to wake up." I argue, and Cole shrugs while he sips my latte and moans in delight.

"Mm, this is so good." I watch him, not amused in the slighte

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
cute. love it
goodnovel comment avatar
Saphora Khan Dindial
love these two...

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