
Chapter 4

Savannah had no idea she was guarded because her grandfather hadn't mentioned anything. And now, she wanted to know more about her bodyguard! After all, who would have thought that the muscular man was actually a bodyguard when he looked like a famous model?

(Ace, huh? that's his codename only.)

"His eyes are so sharp, his jaw so firm that it makes me want to touch it. He's like the male lead described in famous novels."

He drove her home to their mansion and had already called her grandfather. He didn't say anything else and just focused on the road. But Savannah could feel that the man knew she had been watching him since they left the company.

That's right! She had already forgotten what happened at her company and who might be behind it because her handsome bodyguard had captured all her attention.

"If you have been guarding me since I arrived here in the Philippines, how come I didn't know about you and your team? Shouldn't I have been informed that a security team was assigned to me?"

She couldn't hold back any longer and asked him. The man looked in the mirror, and their eyes met.

Ace, huh?

But that was only his codename, not his real name. She wanted to know his true name.

"About that, it's better, Ma'am, if you talk to the president. We are just following his orders."

She crossed her arms and looked away from Ace. Savannah realized her grandfather would never allow her to be without protection, but she thought she'd have more freedom here in the Philippines. Initially, she was surprised that only a few members of the Williamson security force were following her.

But little did I know, I have this...

She glanced back at the calm bodyguard driving.

Savannah shook her head and waited to arrive at the mansion. She was lucky to have been safe from that fire at the company. She took a deep breath. It's really dangerous to be Williamson's new CEO. She knew it wouldn't be easy and that her life could be in danger.

But what's new? Ever since my parents were killed, there's always been a gun pointed at my head.

That's why she's not afraid for herself anymore. She was more worried about her grandfather's safety because he was the most important person to her now.

"I want to meet the other members of your team," she said to Ace while still looking out the window. In her peripheral vision, she saw the man glance at her. He didn't answer immediately, seemingly pondering his response.

"Or it isn't possible?" she asked again.

Honestly, if it were anyone else in front of her, they'd really be in trouble. But she'd spare this man; after all, he was handsome and had saved her from dying earlier. It might sound exaggerated, but she knew she could have died from what happened to her earlier.

"If the president allows it, Ma'am."

She nodded. Three months was a long time, and they must be good at their job because she hadn't noticed anyone following her.

Well, I don't leave the mansion often. If I go to the mall, it's by schedule.

That was the system since she returned. The Williamsons owned a lot of businesses, including malls and theme parks, and there were times when she wanted to go shopping. She'd tell her secretary, who would schedule it so that when she went, no one else was around.

Ever since her parents died, her fear of crowds hadn't disappeared. She was so scared, and every time she saw a lot of people, they were faceless. She believed that among those people were her parents' killers, and they were coming for her next. That thought haunted her, so whenever she was in a crowd, she would have a panic attack.

She's sweating profusely, feeling dizzy, and her chest tightens. She struggles to breathe and feels nauseous. In severe cases, she loses consciousness.

Savannah had tried to go out when she was in Hawaii, thinking she could mingle with people, but it was a wrong move. In the middle of the crowd, she panicked, lost consciousness, and found herself in the hospital.

When will I be free from this disorder?

There were many things she couldn't enjoy, and she always felt different from everyone else.

Savannah licked her lips and caressed her shoulders. She closed her eyes, but suddenly, a bloody image of her parents appeared. She gasped and screamed horribly.

"N-No! Ahh!"

She bent over, covered her ears, and huddled in the corner of the car. She was trembling with fear. She clearly saw the blood spreading, flowing towards her.

"Ma'am Savannah."


Then, a calm voice called her name. It wasn't loud or yelling. Then she felt the man's hands on her arm. Slowly, Savannah looked up at the owner of the voice, Ace, who was looking at her with worry in his eyes. One of his hands moved to her head. He started to caress her hair slowly, as if calming her.

"Breathe... start to breathe slowly."

Following his instructions, she focused on her breathing. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Gradually, her heart rate began to slow, and the images of her parents faded away. She kept her eyes on Ace, grounding herself in his presence.

Ace's steady gaze and gentle touch helped her regain control. "You're safe," he whispered softly. "Just keep breathing."

Savannah nodded slightly, continuing to focus on her breath. After a few minutes, she felt more stable. She leaned back against the seat, exhausted but calmer.

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

Ace nodded, his hand still resting gently on her shoulder. "We're almost at the mansion," he said reassuringly. "You can rest there."

Savannah closed her eyes again, this time feeling a bit more at peace, knowing she had someone looking out for her.

Absentmindedly, she did what he told her. And when she calmed down, she realized the car was already inside the mansion, parked in the parking area. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and adjusted her position. Ace, who had been in the driver's seat, promptly got out and opened the door for her, but she didn't get out immediately.

"Can you walk, Ma'am?" he asked.

She nodded in response. Savannah's hands were still shaking as she gripped the edge of the car door. But when her feet touched the ground and she stood up, she nearly collapsed from the lack of strength. Luckily, Ace was there to support her, his hand catching her at the waist.

"You can't," he said, and before she could respond, she gasped as he lifted her up.

"I-I can walk! It's not far! You don't need to carry me!"

She was mortified! Especially since the other bodyguards were watching them. They were surely puzzled, as she never allowed anyone to touch her.

"P-Put me down right now!" she demanded firmly. She could smell his manly scent clearly.

Damn. He smells so good. What cologne does he use?

"I'll put you down once we're inside, Ma'am."

"But I can walk now! My legs aren't weak anymore!"

Savannah could feel the bodyguard's broad chest. She looked up and now saw his handsome face up close.

Where did Lolo find this man? He's so hot. Even his voice and the way his lips move when he talks. Everything about him is attractive.

And right now, her heart was beating erratically fast. When he stopped walking, she thought he was about to set her down, but then he glanced down at her suddenly.

And because Savannah was still looking at him, their lips almost brushed against each other when he turned to glance at her!

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