
there was maybe

There was maybe ten seconds worth of silence.

It felt more like two minutes.

Then we both spoke at the same time.

“Look, I just wanted to say – ” I started.

“Aren’t you going to ask another question?” he said, overlapping me.

We stopped and looked at each other.

Then we both smiled – me shyly, him grinning.

“You were saying?” he asked.

“Um… I just wanted to say that I really liked your song. Back there in the hotel room. I wasn’t criticizing you or anything.”

His smile faded. Between his mouth and his sunglasses, I couldn’t read anything about his expression.

“So… that’s it,” I finished lamely.

He sat there, silent, just watching me.

“Aren’t you going to say something?” I asked, annoyed.

He shrugged, then looked away. “You were right,” he said, and took another sip of scotch.


“You were right. The second and third verse need a lot more work.”

I sat there staring at him. “You agree with me?”


“So why’d you bite my head off?”

His lip turned up in the tiniest of smirks as
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