
we walked out of the

We walked out of the bar and through the lobby. I looked towards the bank of elevators passing by on our left. “Aren’t we going up?”

“Yeah, but ours is over here,” he said, pointing past the check-in desk.

“You have your own private elevator?”

“Well, they didn’t build it just for me, you know.”

“Where does it go?”

He smirked at me. “The penthouse. We are rock stars, after all.”

“The penthouse has its own private – ”

“I haven’t seen you for four years, and you want to talk about elevators?” he teased me.

“Fine,” I huffed. “What do you want to talk about?”

He shrugged. “I dunno… you graduated, I’m assuming?”


“Syracuse, wasn’t it?”

Now it was my turn to be impressed. “Good memory.”

“What else have you done?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like, what other big things have you written?”

I thought he was making fun of me, so I said sarcastically, “The last Time magazine Person of the Year article.”

He looked over at me, stunned. “What? Really?”

I gave him a bitter look. “No, of course not. I d
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