
i stood on the

I stood on the outside of the tile shower room and listened as the hiss of water filled the air. Steam started to drift out.

“So, I wanted to ask you about the album cover for Bigger Than – ”

“What?” Derek yelled, his voice sounding hollow from bouncing on the tile.

“I said, I wanted to ask you about – ”

“I can’t hear you over the water – you’re going to have to come in here.”


I was pretty damn sure he could hear me just fine.

But I steeled myself and walked around the corner into the shower room, my heels clicking on the tile.

I almost choked.

He was standing there, outlined against the white tiled wall, soap suds sliding down his body, his hair wet and slick, his skin luscious and shiny under the jet of water.

I recalled a story about some movie studio mogul who wanted to cast an Olympic female swimmer in a movie. In everyday life, she was kind of plain, but put her in a bathing suit and a pool, and she looked amazing. The studio mogul’s comment was, “Dry she ain’t much – b
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