
Chapter 6

"Amanda, who gave birth to these beautiful kids? Don't tell me that they are both yours Mandy?"  Alison asked her the question without giving her any breathing space.

"They are my children, Alison." answered Amanda as she held Andrew's hand heading towards the direction where the kids were being seated.

"This is unbelievable to man's eyes. I can't believe that Amanda has two kids yet she refused to let Grandpa see them before he passed on. Who exactly is this girl?" Alison spoke to Patrick who stood beside her.

"I can't believe that Andrew stoop so low to accept the friendship proposal with our sister." Patrick gave a response to what Alison said.

Everyone gave a constant look to what was happening around them, not to mention Amelia and Stella who thought their plans to take over Amanda's property would come to pass.

Andrew is the epitome of a dream man. He is tall, dark, and handsome, with chiselled features and a piercing blue gaze. His athletic build is toned and muscular, without being too bulky. He always dresses impeccably, in tailored suits and expensive clothes. But what really sets Andrew apart is his air of confidence and selfassurance. He knows he's goodlooking and successful, and he carries himself accordingly.

Andrew was born into a wealthy family, and he has always enjoyed the finer things in life. He attended the best schools, travelled the world, and lived in luxurious homes. But he is not arrogant or spoiled. Instead, he is kind, compassionate, and generous. He is always willing to help others, and he is deeply committed to making the world a better place.

When Andrew walks into a room, all eyes turn to him. He is simply breathtaking. But it is more than just his physical appearance that makes Andrew so appealing. He is also intelligent, charming, and witty. He knows how to make a woman feel special and appreciated.

Andrew is the kind of man who makes women weak in the knees. He is the perfect combination of good looks, intelligence, and wealth. He is every woman's dream man. He is the kind of man who turns heads wherever he goes. He is simply irresistible than Dickson.

After having a taste of what Dickson looks like and tasted like she went over to Andrew. The same woman Dickson threw out of his home and despised so much is now in a relationship with Andrew.

“How did she always get so lucky? How? What is in her that attracts men of great influence to love her?” Stella questioned her inner child.

“Take a look at those two kids, they look so much alike like Dickson. Is it that Dickson is the father of these children?” Amelia asked Stella as she moved closer to her offering her a glass cup of wine.

“I’ve also thought about that but I can't seem to believe that Dickson is responsible. Have you forgotten so soon hope Dickson hated the sight of Amanda not to talk of having s*x with her. That can’t even be possible.” Stella responded.

“But,what if they were just trying to deceive us the public by painting an hatred pictures before our eyes but in the other room they secretly f*ck each other desperately. Have you ever thought about that?”

“Listen to me and listen very well, Amelia. I know my sister very well and I know that she and Dickson never had s*x before.”

“Oh! Wow! I can’t believe that you are the one saying this,Stella. You know Amanda but you don’t know about her kids and her relationship with Andrew. Let me paraphrase the question again. How well do you know your sister again?”

“ I don’t have time to prove myself to you anymore. Let’s just go out there and see what’s happening.”

Amanda placed her down because she was too terrified to look at the sight of the people who had gathered to celebrate her father’s death. She just wanted to take the kids to go and see her sisters and brothers. She didn’t owe anyone an explanation about her kids.

Dickson took a step forward as he saw Amanda hiding her face amidst the crowd. “ Hello! Amanda. It’s so nice to see that you are back after all these years.”

When Amanda heard the masculine voice she gave Dickson a weak smile and tried moving on.

“I can see that you and your kids are looking so pretty and doing so well. Is this the product of you and Andrew’s cohabitation?”

Amanda paused for a few seconds, then she replied calmly. “Andrew and I are just friends, nothing more to that. He decided to show up today as a friend to give me a pat on my back.”

Dickson laughed hysterically,” Are you trying to say that they are my kids? From all that you’ve just said it seems like they are my kids.”

However, Andrew who was standing distant from them could tell that something didn't seem right. He felt so upset seeing Amanda talking to another man even though he had no idea that Dickson was Amanda’s exhusband.

Andrew left the crowd and went to the garden to ooze his temper. He and Amanda have only known each other for eight months when he bumped into her the night Dickson sent her out of his apartment. Right after he brought her this far, she threw herself into another man’s arm.

“Oh! I guess you’ve found another man that’ll be licking your pussy every night. I knew you were cheating on me before I divorced you. For the fact that you didn’t take the offer I gave you made me believe that you’ve found another man who is capable of taking care of your bills.” Dickson spoke rudely to her.

“I won’t stand and watch you say those nasty things to me, Dickson.”

“How shameless! Amanda, you disgust me and you know it.” Dickson spat on her feet as he cursed her.

His patience kept running out of time, so he took himself out of the scene, before he did something he’ll later regret.

“Dickson! Dickson!” Amelia called out as she hurriedly ran towards him.

Stella kept whispering to Amelia to go after her man and go get it right. The media house could see what was going on so they rushed towards Dickson's car and held out their microphones to bombard him with questions.

“Mr. Dickson what do you think about the relationship between your exwife and Mr. Andrew?”

“Amanda lived with you for four years and she was unable to give birth despite the promises,but seeing these two beautiful kids today, Do you think that they are your children?”

Dickson tried his possible best to avoid the reporters but yet to no avail. But, with the help of his bodyguards he was able to get into his car without answering any of their questions.

“Dickson! Dickson!....” Amelia called out his name but the engine of his car gave her a response by zooming off.

The group of reporters all turned to face her as they all threw different questions at her.

“Amelia, Is there any probability of Amanda and Dickson getting back together to set it right??

“Has any date been fixed yet for you and Dickson's wedding?”

Amelia never thought that a day like this will come where she’ll have to answer the press. Her eyes became so weak and teary. She stammered a lot trying to make a sentence.

Stella, Who watched at a distant length became worried about Amelia and how she was been surrounded by the press came to her rescue as she dragged Amelia out of the press and fired back at the press saying, “ No interviews for now!”

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