
Chapter 5

Terry’s Funeral came up within the span of eight days. The cloud knew that a great hero has fallen down so there was a heavy downpour. Every member of Terry’s family starting from his grand children down to his children, brothers and sisters all pulled up for his funeral except Amanda. Men of Timber and calibre including his long time friends all came to celebrate his death with the media house and their team of reporters.

“Did you hear what Terry did to his wealth before he died?”  one of the guest asked her friend whom she brought to the funeral celebration.

“I don’t know what he did to his wealth. You know that i was out of the country when he passed on.”  her friend gave her a quick response.

“Oh! That’s true. Anyways, he willed all his property to his daughter,Amanda and gave only ten percent to his remaining children.”

“Are you sure about this? I don’t know why i’m finding it this hard to buy in your story. But, why did he do that? Are you sure the remaining children are his?

“How am i suppose to provide an answer to all your questions? How about you go ask the dead why he did that?”  She smirked at her friend.

Stella was over excited when she heard the murmurs of the crowd and what they think about the Terry’s sharing of his wealth. She put on a fake smile as she walked to the podium clinked a spoon on the glass of wine she held before uttering to the crowd. “May i have you all attention,Please?

The crowd all stopped their murmurs and whispers as they all went silent in one accord.

“First and Foremost, I want to sincerely thank you all for your support and for you accepting our invitation to be here today. Secondly, I want to…”

A reporter cut her short, “Mrs. Stella, Is it true that Amanda is going to take over your father’s company even though you are older than her?”

Stella breathed in and out, gave a sigh of relief before saying, “ I’m not going to bother myself with unnecessary things like this until I and my family have a proper discussion with my late father’s Administrations.”

Another reporter threw at her another question, “Mrs. Stella why can’t we find Amanda here today being an important day in the life of you all?”

Stella smiled and sipped her white wine before answering the reporter. “ How about you ask her whenever you see her?”

As she continued addressing the crowd a black slik Lexus made a way into the cemetery ground turning every one’s neck to the back.

“I haven’t seen anyone in this our city with a customized plate number just like this one.” someone said.

The doors of the Camry were opened slowly, and Amanda stepped out oozing a breathe of sweet fragrance.

“Wow! It is really Amanda!” The press and reporters all went towards her direction.

After Amanda got out of the car ,she turned to the other side and helped a Young man who was fully clothed in a black suit out of the car as they both held hands like two lovebirds.

“Is this not Andrew….? Wow! Indeed he is the one !”

“You must be kidding. What the h*ll is Amanda doing with Andrew the most richest man in our city?”

They were all in awe, one after the other.

"I can't believe that the low life Amanda we all thought she'll never make it, is now the one we all run to."  one of the guest said in a low tone

"Can't you see that she is now with a better man? Andrew is every woman's dream man and we all know it in this city. Rumors have it that the both of them have given birth to kids." another one responded.

"Mr. Andrew, how true is it that you and Amanda are in a relationship? " one of the reporters asked as she pushed her microphone towards his lips.

"Will you also watch her take over her father's company under your watch?"  Another reporter proposed the question.

The security men were all at alert as they formed an alliance to protect Amanda and Andrew from the swam of reporters and their flinging microphone.

Since Andrew became popular he has always removed himself from the media house and dodged any form of interview session with any journalist but this time around he has to do it to clear their doubts and speculations about the both of them.

"Amanda and I are just friends nothing more to that." His response was so short and directive.

The crowd continued murmuring as they watched Andrew and Amanda enter the cemetery under the protection of their body guards and security men.

Amanda felt emotional and goosebumps laid down low on her subtle skin the moment she saw her father's coffin.

Two beautiful kids rushed into the Funeral shouting"Mummy! Mummy! Aunty Jacy brought us to see Grandpa."

"Mummy? Did Amanda gave birth to these beautiful kids?" Stella asked herself.

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