
Chapter 4

Amanda has been everyone’s favourite since she was little. She had that successful lifestyle planned out even though she had zero idea of how everything would all play out. But, looking at her today and how well she has worked morning and night to be different from other women made everything possible.

“Take a look at Amanda, see how she’s been surrounded with different men and women of calibre. From the way she dresses to the luxury of perfume she has on her body one will tell that she’s now a boss of her own. Unlike Amelia, You are always pessimistic, foolish and insensitive but you have no idea and that’s why people will always use it against you.” Stella couldn’t stop praising Amanda in front of Amelia.

“Sister, what has come over you? Why the sudden appraisal towards Amanda?”- Alison questioned her.

“Amanda has become the most talked about daughter of our late father. Some of our relatives even forgets that Amanda is not the only child of our father but NO! They all want Amanda. I just want to be like Amanda, is that too much to ask? Girls like her always bring progress to the group. There aren’t many girls that are smart and have the same personalities like our sis.”

Dickson, who had been standing beside Stella suddenly had a mood swing. “Stella, Amelia, I’ll be on my way right now. I just got an important call from the office. They need my presence to sign some important documents. “

“You should be on your way now ,Dickson.”

“Of course, Let me go get my car key. By the way, Thanks for the hospitality Stella.”

“It’s nothing, Dickson. Make sure you drive carefully and obey the road signs, alright? Said Stella with a commending smile.

Dickson walked up to her and gave her a peck on her cheeks as he turned around heading to where his car was parked without uttering a word.

Amelia stood at the car park as she watched the car of her lover go into the exit. She walked up. She approached Stella with a complaint -"What was all that? Why were you saying sweet things about your sister in the presence of my man? It's all your fault, Stella! You should never have told me to go and seduce your sister's lover when they were still together five years ago. Now, since I got back into Dickson's house he has never for once said anything about marriage to me. And, now that your sister Amanda is back, what is the next line of action?”

Stella bit the lower part of her lips. What her friend complained about was what Stella regretted doing in her entire life on planet earth. She had it all well planned out five years ago. First, She purposely took her to a bar by lying to her that she has won a huge contract and she would love to celebrate it with her in a bar. They both got into the bar and unfortunately for Amanda, her sister Stella drugged her wine then in her unconscious state. Stella sent Amanda into Dickson’s room, convinced that Dickson was too drunk to lie with a woman.

After taking her into Dickson’s room. She told some bloggers and media experts that they should come up with a story of how Amanda threw herself openly to a billionaire’s son. Stella went too extreme just to tarnish the image of her beloved sister. She thought that once Amanda news escalated her father would want to disown her and cut her off from inheriting his properties. Never for once did she expect that there’s a repercussion for every action being taken.

Dickson was too drunk to recognize the lady on his bed. So, he had s*x with Amanda and when they both discovered what they did unconsciously, Dickson suggested that he’ll marry her .for he was scared about tarnishing his own image and that of his family if Amanda charges him to court for rape.

Going back in memories of how everything played out, Stella said, “ I did it for you, Amelia! f*ck! I couldn’t stay alive and watch my sister despite her not being the first born to inherit most of my father’s properties and still the one in charge to manage his affairs. My father loves Amanda more than us. Well, now that he is no more, let’s see who will be in support of her and her dirty games.”

“Hold on for a second Stella. Are……you sure you’re not taking this too far?” Amelia was terrified of Stella's actions. Despite the fact that Dickson had been good to her for some years,she could see the weakness and the fading love in his eyes. He hardly eats her food,not to talk more of him sleeping on the same bed with her. Since I've known Dickson I know that he doesn't love working nine to five but these past few months Dickson is now known as a workaholic. Sometimes, he travels for two to three months just to come back home once to see me.

‘I totally understand your plight Amelia. The foolish girl has no one to support her nor someone to run to. She is now an orphan. My team is coming to her at once and we won’t stop planning for her downfall until she gives up on the inheritance.”

"But, What if she doesn't give up, Stella?"- Amelia asked.

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