
Chapter 3

“I’m sorry, Father. I’m sorry for my lateness. I’m sorry for not being there for you when you needed me!” Amanda pleaded as hot tears dripped from her eyes.

“Amanda,” Terry called her name and slowly opened his eyes, “You don’t have to be sorry. All that matters right now is that I got to see you before my last breath. And, seeing that you are safe and alive means alot to me. Oh, I can finally be relieved…”

As he uttered out his last words to his beloved daughter, Terry reached out to hold Amanda’s hand , but the next second, his hand fell back on the bed weakly, his

head tilted, and his eyes shut!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The ECG was beeping, declaring Terry’s death!

“Father? Father!” Amanda called out, tears rolling down her cheeks.

She knew that her grandpa was the only one that ever cared about her well-being!

“Ah, come on, stop those fake crocodile tears! Who are you trying to deceive in this room? If you truly cared about your father you would have been here long ago. You didn’t show up when he was sick,but now that he is gone all that matters to you alone is his inheritance” said Patrick the eldest son, Uncle mathew. The younger brother of Mr.Terry had a deep sarcasm in his voice.

He had never taken Amanda as his niece, and now that she was the biggest beneficiary of his late brother’s legacy, Mathew hated Amanda even more!

“Enough of all this drama. We all need to put our hands together and give father a befitting funeral before having a proper discussion of his will.” said Stella as they all reasonably agreed.

“Amanda , now that you’re back, Why don’t you come and live with us in the family house.” -Alison asked as she patted Amanda’s back.

Stella’s lips curled in disdain, but she was saying merrily, “That’s right, come and live with us! Let’s all live together as one big family. Also, father made a will on his deathbed. I don’t know if anyone has told you about it yet but he wants you to inherit 61% of his company and shares not only that he also entrusted the company into your hands. I’m hundred percent certain that the illness must have confused his brain. How could he leave such a large fortune to a girl who knows nothing about it? Amanda, you and I know that you’re still young and dumb. Just allow your brother or Uncle Mathew to continue to run the business.” Stella said it as if Amanda was meant to follow her instructions. Deep down, Stella was convinced that Amanda was just as stupid as her mother!

By the time Amanda moved back to their house, she would be in Stella’s full control.

Amanda was glazed. She said coldly, “I don’t want that to bother me right now. All that I'm concerned about right now is to take care of my father's burial.

"Well, of course, dear," Stella said with a sugary-sweet smile. "Take all the time you need to mourn. The business can wait. After all, we wouldn't want you to be burdened with something as complicated as running a multi-million-dollar enterprise."

Amanda shot Stella a sharp look, her eyes betraying the storm of emotions within.

"This isn't about the business right now. It's about my father. Can we please focus on that?"

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows as Amanda walked out of the hospital alongside the rest of the family. The weight of grief hung heavy on their shoulders, and the reality of Terry's passing began to sink in.

Dickson, who heard about the sad news,rushed down to the hospital to sympathise with them. He had been a silent figure in the background until now. "Where do you reside? My driver will give you a ride!" His voice carried a hoarseness, a reflection of the sombre mood that enveloped them.

Amanda, her face expressionless, appreciated the offer but declined gracefully.

"Thanks, but I drove here." She shook the car keys in her hand, the gesture indicating her independence.

The indifferent look on her face made it look like she was simply being polite to a total stranger.

The indifference in her demeanour gave the impression that she was merely being courteous to a stranger. However, Amelia, always quick to interpret situations through her own lens, saw it differently. A sudden concern flashed across her face, and she moved closer to Dickson, linking her arm with his.

"Amanda, why don't you move back in with us?" Amelia's voice held a hint of desperation, as if trying to salvage something from the wreckage of grief. "At least, you don't have to be alone, and..."

Amanda interrupted her, her tone measured but firm. "Amelia, I appreciate the concern, but I need some time alone. I'll be okay." Her gaze shifted from Amelia to Dickson, acknowledging his presence but keeping her emotions guarded.

The Gold Ferrari roared out of the parking lot, leaving the crowd behind. The comment about Amanda's seemingly comfortable life without the family's help hung in the air, adding another layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.

"It seems that my sister has been living a good life these years! She could enjoy such a rich life without any help from the family," Patrick remarked, his tone laced with bitterness.

Dickson remained silent, his eyes focused on the road ahead. The comment stung, but he chose not to engage in the verbal sparring. Instead, his thoughts drifted to the complexities of his own life.

During the four years of Amanda's absence, Dickson had not married Amelia. The realisation that she was not the one for him had settled in over time.

However, he had hesitated to end the relationship, bound by family ties and a promise made a decade ago.

In the silence that followed, Dickson's mind replayed the events that had shaped his current situation.

Ten years ago, a near-drowning incident had forged a different kind of bond between Dickson and Amelia. She had saved him, and in that moment of vulnerability, he had pledged to love and protect her for the rest of his life. It was a promise that had endured, even as the dynamics between them shifted.

As the Ferrari cruised through the city streets, Patrick continued his commentary on Amanda's absence. "I bet she was living it up, probably doesn't even care about the family now that she's got her hands on the inheritance."

Dickson sighed, finally breaking his silence. "Patrick, grief affects everyone differently. Amanda has her reasons for the choices she made. We should try to understand rather than judge."

Patrick scoffed, dismissing Dickson's words. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one dealing with all this drama."

Dickson glanced at him, a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "We're all in this together, Patrick. Let's not make it harder on ourselves."

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