
Chapter 2

“Papa! Papa! Please wake up. I beg you in the name of God. “ Alison Peters, the younger sister of Amanda, was seen beside her father at the hospital with tears filled in her eyes.

“I’m so sorry Alison. We tried everything we could within our power and our means , but your father isn’t responding to our treatment nor getting any better. You should let him be and just say your last words to him.”

Alison Peters frowned worriedly and said, “Doctor Tony, will you please try something else? If it requires money you just have to mention it and it is all done. My father can’t die now, not when we haven’t seen the person who has access to the property for five years.”

“None of us have seen Amanda for some years now, not even my father. We don’t know what he was thinking when he willed all his properties to Amanda. He didn’t even consider his grandson’s over here. How could he? And they’ve always been by his side unlike his godforsaken daughter Amanda.””

Everyone in the Peters family was miserable these days. All they were all thinking and bothered about was Terry will and his inheritance.

Terry , Alison’s father, drafted an odd will on his deathbed.

He left 61% of his company shares to his eldest daughter, Amanda. And, for the rest of the family they’ll only inherit 10% of his shares in his company.


In other words, Amanda would become the largest shareholder of his company and she will also be the one heading and supervising his company.

Furthermore , according to the additional condition to the will, if Amanda doesn’t show up before Terry’s death, all the properties that he owns would be given to the government and a charity foundation.

"The nerve of that man, leaving more than half of the company to Amanda. And what's this nonsense about the government getting everything if she doesn't show up in time?" Stella exclaimed, her voice tinged with anger.

Patrick, usually the calm and collected one, sighed, "Dad always did have a flair for the dramatic. But we need to find Amanda before it's too late. Losing the entire property to the government is not an option."

Alison, leaning back in her chair, rubbed her temples with frustration. "The way I see it, that girl is simply going against us on purpose! No one knows where the h*ll she has been for all those years!"

Stella nodded vehemently, "Exactly! She's probably off somewhere enjoying the fortune she's about to inherit, without a care in the world."

Isabella, the quietest of the siblings, finally spoke up, "We can't jump to conclusions. We need to find Amanda and sort this out. Losing our father's wealth and properties would be a disaster."

Alison, always the voice of reason, agreed, "I've hired a private investigator to track her down. We'll find her, and she can decide what she wants to do with her share of the company."

Stella's voice sliced through the tension in the room, "Well, maybe if Amanda had stuck around, she'd get a piece of the pie. But no, she decided to vanish, and now she expects to waltz back in and claim her share?"

Patrick, sitting stoically in the corner, spoke up, "Stella, calm down. This is about Dad now. Let's not drag Amanda into everything."

Stella scoffed, "Easy for you to say. Your precious sister is the apple of Terry's eye, and he's leaving everything to her. What about our children? What about their future?"

Patrick shot her a stern look, "This is not the time for this conversation, Stella."

But Stella was not one to back down easily. "Not the time? This is the perfect time. I won't let father destroy our family and the relationship we’ve built for the sake of his sentimental attachment to Amanda."

The tension thickened as Francis, Francisca, and Beatrice exchanged uneasy glances. Francis, the youngest grandchild, finally spoke up, "Grandpa should be fair. We're family too."

Terry's eyes lit up as he saw them, "Amanda, where's Amanda?"

Alison hesitated, choosing her words carefully, "Dad, she's not here. But we're all here for you."

Terry's eyes darted between his children, sensing the underlying tension. "You need to find her. Bring her back."

Stella couldn't hold back any longer, "Dad, this obsession with Amanda is tearing us apart. What about our children? What about their future?"

Raymond's frail hand gestured for everyone to gather closer. "Family... is everything. Find Amanda. Bring her home."

Stella scoffed out with her eyes bloodshot-:Where was Amanda when you fell sick? Where is she even now that you’re about to give up the ghost? That shows that she doesn’t care about you nor your existence. Papa! Can’t you see it.”

“Amanda...Amanda…Just allow me to see Amanda. You won’t get a penny before that.”- he coughed out gently as he reminded them again.

A hint of impatience crossed Alison’s eyes, and she couldn’t help but phone Dickson to ask about her sister whereabout, “Dickson, do you know where my sister has been?”

Dickson froze because he did not know the answer to this question.

Five years ago, after their divorce, Dickson thought Amanda was going to keep harassing him or at least make a scene!

Unexpectedly, the next day, Amanda moved out. She took nothing with her but her IDs, not even the bank card that had 200 million dollars in it despite granting her, her last wish.

And in these five years, there had been no news of her at all. Of course, as proud as Dickson was,he never contacted her either.

It has been five years!

Still, Dickson didn’t believe she would let go so easily! He had prepared so many plans to get rid of her as long as she showed up. Yet it turned out that he didn’t need any of them!

She just disappeared from his world completely.

“Amanda… Mandy!”

“Oh, come on, Papa’s dying! Someone should go get the doctors…”

The ECG monitor told everyone that Terry’’s heartbeat was stopping. In tears, his family members all surrounded the bed!

They were crying, not for Terry’s approaching death, but for the properties that were about to be donated!

Knock! Knock!…

From the hospital entrance came the sound of high heels!


The knob of the door of the ward was pressed down and it was opened.

The one who came in was wearing a custom–made brazilian gown! A limited–edition Versace bag was in her hands, and the oversized sunglasses covered most of her face.

Her slender legs were long enough, but the high–heeled shoes. brought them out even more.

She walked in with the ice–cold–beauty sort of vibe, seeming to cause the temperature in the ward to drop a few.

“Who is she? Do you know her? She looks like a billionaire. Who allowed her to be here?” -the nurses were questioning one another.

“It’s me. I’m here to see my Father!” Amanda took off her sunglasses slowly and walked towards the bed her father laid. .

“Amanda!” The others all gasped.

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