
Bad days aren't over yet

Ivy was surprised to see Alexander, call her. She couldn’t describe her emotions at this time, but she felt that he was probably sent to her to relieve her of her worries, and pain. She answered the call, and it took her a while to speak, but she had no choice, seeing as he had not said a word.


She didn’t hear a word from Alexander, still, and wondered why he was mute


“I think my phone must have put a call through, to you. It’s quite sensitive with touch. I apologize for that.” He said, then hung up.

Ivy was left, speechless, and felt her heart break, into pieces.

“Why would this happen when things aren’t going right with me, presently? This is unfair.” She sobbed.

Then she dialed Alexander’s number, but he didn’t answer her call.

“What the hell did I do to him, to deserve this sudden avoidance?” She asked herself, in pain.

Now, it felt as if the whole world, was against her, and the only people that were for her, were also suffering with her. All through the ni
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