
Chapter 10


“We are going to deal with more of you people around the clock.” I said, looking at Ezio. Valdez’s eyes were fixed on me, and though quiet, I could tell that he didn’t like the advisor who stood in front of me.

“And do you think that we are going to want to deal with you, Alpha?” He, Marco, asked. “We are merely forced to be making this alliance for the good of our own people. It is not one that we want to make, and that is something that you know.

“The two of us come from the same place, and though a human, you are dealing with your people as if they were strangers to you. I, as Alpha, aim to ensure their safety, while you want them to live in pain, poverty, and illness; I doubt that this is how a leader is to rule.” I said, raising an eyebrow at the man who was forced to sit on his knees in front of me. Two of my men held him down, forcing him to submit.

“I am going to an expansion, and it is something that you and those of your kind, those who want to want to see me fall, to understand.” I said, and the man frowned.

“An expansion?” The man asked, and I smiled.

“I think that I told you, I am aiming to make the humans live in peace under my reign. And while you might not want it, the people are going to be begging for things. They are going to want to want the growth and safety, and that is a fact that you are going to have to understand.” I said, and the man’s eyes darkened.

“You are going to understand that it is not something that we are going to allow, Alpha. With all due respect to you, we are not going to fall for your tricks and games.” He said, and I nodded.

“You can show yourself out.” I said, and he took a deep breath.

He was guided out of the room, and I knew that he wanted to be out of the pack.

“You are going to let him leave as casually?” Valdez asked, and I nodded.

“I want him to report to the others. They are going to know what it is to mess with us, and you know, I want them to know that I am going to honor the rules of expansions. They are human, and them submitting is going to be a matter of time, while I understand that it would be a while, I am not going to give up on them.” I said, and Valdez nodded.

“But we are going to need to send spies to them. You know that we can’t just let them go around without knowing how they think, what they plan, their complaints, and what is needed to be fixed.” Ezio said, and I nodded.

“We can send men there as residents. They are going to live amongst them, and they are going to hear them, speak to them, mingle with them, understand the way that they think. We are going to know what they want and need, and we are going to act upon it.” I said, and Ezio smiled and nodded. “Valdez, you start giving out the orders. We need to find a man that we trust, someone who would be guiding them there, and getting to know them. While I know that we can easily access the cameras, but you know, there is nothing better than getting to know the people by mingling with the people, what do you think?”

“While I know that this may be off context, Alpha, but I have news for you,” Ezio said, making me raise an eyebrow as I waited for what he was going to say. He smiled, his smile calm and genuine, letting me know that it wasn’t work related.

“Luna Ella and Daniel just arrived to the Estate. I can assume that you would want to see them.” He said, and I frowned.

“They should have arrived last night?” I asked, and he nodded.

“They had a little flight delay due to weather. We did not want to alarm you, considering that they were safe. These were the mother Luna’s orders.” He said, and I nodded.

“Explains why you were in the veranda last night,” I said, and he looked down at his feet. “Cancel all my meetings, I am going to go and see my son.”

“And call Ian to meet me in my room when I’m done. There’s something that I want to talk to him about…”

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