
84. Free.

Chapter 84. You can skip this if you've already read it. It's free, because chapter 84 is still blocked. Hope my editor will fix it soon.

I can't delete or edit anything without her review.

Argo’s pov

Dinner was fucking great, but all I could think of was that little apron. I knew Mila would rock that fucking look, and I was going to rock her fucking world.

‘Stop being so damn horny,’ Mila scolded me using our mindlink. ‘We’re eating!’

I smirked, seeing the faint blush on her cheek. Whatever I was feeling, she was feeling too, and I could already smell her arousal in the air.

But not to embarrass my mate further, I decided to focus on my brother, who was seated next to me.

“Stark is really fucking excited to see his brother.” I told Airk.

“We could leave early and let them run? Just the two of us.” Airk suggested, and I loved that even now that he was marked, he still made time for me. It wasn't like I hadn't made time for him, but things were different now.

Airk was just marked and mated and well, basically in the honeymoon phase. All you could think about in that phase was fucking, and, well, fucking. I imagined all Brax and Airk had on their brain was sex.

‘I guess you never left the honeymoon phase then,’ Stark teased me.

How could I when I had the most beautiful mate in the fucking world? It was impossible to keep my hands from her. Even now, during dinner, I was playing with her hair without realizing it.

“I’d fucking love that.” I told my brother, happy our wolves got to spend some time together.

I knew he wasn’t fully healed from his trauma, but he had taken a big fucking step. The need to hear everything that happened was overwhelming. I wanted to hear about the Moon Goddess and about getting Kael back. Fuck, I wouldn’t even mind hearing about the sex. During this whole process, I tried to be there for Airk in whatever way he needed me, but this was something that I couldn’t be there for. Getting Kael back and marking Brax, was something that I wasn't involved in.

But that didn’t mean that I wasn’t curious about what happened inside that pretty blond head of his.

What made him suddenly decide to mindlink me and ask for supplies two nights ago? I knew when he asked for lube what the hell he was planning. It wasn’t hard to predict that needing those things would mean he wanted to mark Brax.

I looked at my brother, who seemed to be thinking, and then Airk stood up, surprising us all.

“Since our Alpha made this big romantic and very public speech the last time we had a celebration, I thought it was only fair to return the favor.”

Everyone laughed, and Airk continued.

“I am not big on public speeches. Or speeches in general, but as you can all see, Brax and I have marked each other.”

Everyone clapped, and I howled, cheering my brother on.

“Brax and I had chosen each other, but during the Blood Moon, we realized we weren’t just chosen mates. The Moon Goddess has actually picked us to be second-chance mates.”

“He actually spoke to the fucking moon goddess. That’s our Luna, everyone! He's better than everyone here.” I yelled out, getting laughs and cheers from the crowd once again.

“Thank you, Argo.” Airk said, blushing slightly. “Yes, I spoke to the goddess, but this speech isn’t about that. I wanted to publicly say that I am proud to be Brax’s mate. I love you, Brax. And I am honored to serve this pack as its permanent Luna. I plan to stay here and do my best to be the best Luna and mate for this pack, and it's Alpha.” Airk said, and then he actually gave Brax a kiss in front of all our people!

I was so fucking proud of him. Jace had wanted Airk to be hidden, to never reveal who he was. But now Airk had Brax, and they could display their love for each other without any judgement from the pack.

The pack all clapped and cheered again, excited to see their leaders so happy. This was how it was supposed to be.

There had been a few old farts who weren’t happy when Airk first became Luna, but Brax, Elora, Mila, and I had made sure they knew they could either accept Airk or fucking leave. Everyone could see how Airk had made Brax a better and happier Alpha, so those that weren’t accepting of him were only because of their prejudice, and they weren’t fucking welcome in the Blood Rock pack. We don't want their homophobic asses to poison our pack. Fuck them and their tiny pea brains filled with hate.

Airk sat down, and I nudged his side. “One good fuck under the blood moon, and you suddenly turned into a new person.”

Airk nudged me back, “it wasn’t just the sex.”

“I know, and I am fucking ready to hear everything. You’ve slept way too fucking long, and then my lovely sunshine stole you for the whole fucking day.”

Mila giggled, “he’s my brother now too, you know.”

It fucking meant the world to me that Mila considered Airk family. Elora sat on the other side of the table, and I kind of felt bad for not including her in the run with Airk. But as twins, Airk and I always been fucking close, especially when our parents were off looking for our sisters half the time. Elora and I hadn’t been as close because we didn’t grow up together.

I looked at my big sister, and she smiled at me and mindlinked me, ‘it’s fine. I’ll join you two later.’

Fuck, another mindreader in the family.

‘You don’t mind?’

‘You’re twins, Argo. I know how close you two are. Besides, I have to put Tristan to bed. He’s a momma’s boy right now and cries when Darian tries to hold him.’  She said, mind-linking me and pointing to Tristan.

He was staring at Darian, and as soon as Darian made eye contact with his son, Tristan looked like he was going to cry and quickly stuck his arms out towards Elora. Yeah, definitely a mommy’s boy.

‘Takes one to know one,’ Stark teased me.

That reminded me; I wondered if Airk had told mom yet. She was going to be so fucking happy knowing Airk was marked. And so was the rest of the family.

The staff ate with us but still served everyone first, and when they brought out the apple pie Mila and Airk made, I was really fucking impressed.

I made sure to switch plates with Airk each time, hoping the chef wasn't trying to fucking poison me. He would never hurt his Luna, so I was sure Airk's food was safe.

I love that they made something that was important to my family. A tradition that started with grandpa Os and is now here, in another pack with his grandkids

‘And his great-grandkids,’ Stark reminded me of Tristan.

‘Not just Tristan. Perhaps you and Airk will have kids of your own too.’ Stark said. I knew Mila wasn’t ready for kids yet, and I didn’t mind having her all to myself for now.

But how would Airk and Brax start a family? Bringing it up would probably freak Airk the fuck out. They had just taken one step, and I was already thinking of the next big one. But with two men, you kind of need some help making a baby. They could adopt, but they wouldn’t get the alpha genes.

But that was a conversation for later, I guess.

- - - - -

Everyone was still talking and eating, but Airk and I had left. We were going to shift, and then the rest would join us.

Our wolves are twins, just like us, and everyone could understand how important it was for them to finally be able to be together again after so long.

Airk was the first to shift, and I was amazed at how strong and fucking good Kael looked. He almost looked like he was glowing for a second, and I couldn’t be more proud of my brother for getting his wolf back.

I shifted too, and we let our wolves play. They were like pups, running around and chasing each other.

‘So it was because you marked Brax?’ I asked.

‘You mean why I got Kael back?’ Airk replied through the link. ‘No, it wasn’t. The Moon Goddess told me marking Brax wouldn’t give me my wolf back. I needed to forgive and move on.’

‘Forgive who?’

‘Jace, the Moon Goddess, myself, Brax. Everyone I blamed for what I went through.’

I growled, the sound coming from my wolf’s lips.

‘I don’t forgive the fucking bastard.’

Kael howled at the moon before mindlinking me again. ‘It’s not about him. It’s about allowing myself to move on. Not holding on to that pain. It doesn’t mean I’m okay with what he did. I am just not letting Jace ruin my life anymore.’

‘Fine. But I’ll hate him for you then. That fucker needs to burn in fucking hell for what he did.’

Kael jumped on Stark, trying to pin him to the ground, but my wolf had a lot more experience with fighting. Not that this was a real fucking fight; our wolves were just playing.

I ran off, letting my wolf guide us back to the packhouse, where the rest were waiting for us.

‘You two are so much alike,’ Mila said, seeing Kael stand next to me. She had never seen Kael before. None of the pack had seen him before, and it surprised everyone to see that our wolves were a mirror image of each other.

‘They’re fucking identical; we’re not.’ I joked at my mate. ‘Now shift, Stark wants to play with Leysa.’

‘Play… Okay. Not sexy play. Just play.’ Mila scolded me. ‘We’re in public, remember.’

Stark and I sighed at the same time. So fucking strict. Wolves didn’t care about showing public displays of affection; animals just fuck in the wild. But Mila knew that both me and my wolf couldn’t say no to her.

‘Fine,’ I relented. Now fucking shift, sunshine.’

Mila smiled at me and gave me a wink before turning around and pulling her dress up, flashing me her bare ass before she shifted into her wolf. She was making it fucking hard for me to stick to my promise. Fucking tease.

‘Just fucking wait until we get to our room. I’ll get you back for this,’ I threatened my mate.

‘I can’t wait, pretty boy.’ Mila teased me before her wolf ran off, asking me to chase her.

I played with Mila until Brax howled at us, letting us know we were going to run together as a pack.

It was fucking beautiful; everyone who was able to shift was there, and we ran as one through the woods. I stared at the moon, and it looked like it was shining a little bit brighter.

'Thank you,' I said to the Moon Goddess, wondering if she could hear me. 'Thank you for helping my brother and giving him the mate he deserves. I won't forgive the fucker that hurt Airk and I hope you don't either. Because if I run into him once I'm dead, I'll fucking kill him all over again.'

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Samantha White Riley
I think that 84 was uploaded as 83 because I had 83 twice, but when I read 84 just now, I had read it already, not exactly sure when. But I'm positive that I had 83 twice, and I have read this chapter, so I'm not sure. Nevertheless, thank you for being so thoughtful. Enjoy your son's birthday!
goodnovel comment avatar
Naomi D.
thank you! that's really great to read. I'm so glad you're enjoying my stories! it's nice to meet you, Julia :)
goodnovel comment avatar
I was able to read this the first time around. But thank you very much for reposting it for those who weren’t. I’m a big fan of yours. I started with Alpha Osiris and have head every book in the series. But I’ve never commented before. Keep up the good work!

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