
Chapter 38

We walked for a while in silence, letting the next couple songs fill the space between us. As we walked, we bumped into each other every so often and I laughed. Between the two of us, I don’t think we had a single cell that wasn’t high.

After a while, I threw up my hands. “I feel like this shit storm you’re going through it my fault. My fault for coming here and being your dad’s mate.”

Liam looked at me, almost shocked we could still talk. “No. You didn’t have anything to do with their relationship outside of finally showing my dad he needed to get out.”

I took a shaky drag of the joint, tears welling up. “Honestly, I didn’t ask him for any of this. I knew you were his family. I wanted to reject him. I should have. Then Aamon marked me and my fucking mother betrayed what little frayed trust I had.” Looking at Liam, I shook my head. “I’m sorry Liam. I never wanted to break up your family. I’m so sorry.”

Liam came over and hugged me. “You’re the only pe

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goodnovel comment avatar
They were already starting to fight even the divorce wasn’t finalised yet..
goodnovel comment avatar
Rachel Lei
So much drama. I realize it's not Olivia's job to teach him how to communicate, but for her own sake it seems like she should just give it to him straight and tell him what he's doing wrong in their relationship, not just re: parenting.

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