
Chapter 53

I scratched Nasir’s head. “Sorry. You won’t be able to come with me. I’ll be back soon. I promise.”

He whined and nuzzled my hand.

“I know. I know. I’ll be back. Promise.” I kissed his head and reached out Tatiana.

Normally, her portals were like a pool shimmering in the air. Rippling as you stepped through. This one though was significantly different. It had green tints to the magic. It was more like a tear in the air rather than a ripple of water. Tatiana pulled me through and the magic made me gasp. It was so potent and all consuming, I stumbled. If Tatiana hadn’t been holding me, I probably would have fallen.

“Come my dear daughter.”

I nodded and took a deep breath. The surroundings now familiar to me. It was nearly the same white vines and stairs that the council room had but instead of opening up into a meeting place, it lead to a small pool. In the center of the pool was a tree that reach


Sorry for the delayed update!! I'm still working on it and just had some adjustments to my schedule lately!

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