

Alex P. O. V

(Before entering the conference room).

They grabbed me by my arm and hauled me out of my room.They dragged me down the hallway of my house. I was thrashed, kicking, twisting to get out of their hold. Had I known they were coming back I would have stayed where I was for as long as it took to get these warriors out of my hair. But no such luck because my dumbass self had to do something that would throw me back to the lion's den.

It took at least three warriors to climb me down the staircase. On the main door stood Alpha James's gamma . I hated that man from a very young age. He had always been jealous of my father for his position of pack's beta.After my father was killed in the war. He thought he would get the position but Noah took over our father's place. He and a few others protested about it. Noah was young and they did not want to hand over such a huge responsibility but Noah proved them wrong with his intelligence. From then on he hated us the most. He would not leave any opportunity to feel small about ourselves.

"So you are finally going to get what you deserve? " He said in a taunting manner. If my hands were free I would have shown him what he deserved. I growled at him.

They carried me out of my house towards the pack house. The pack house was close to my house . Everyone in the pack house stopped what they were doing to look at us. They were whispering amongst themselves while looking at me ,screaming at the top of my lungs. I didn't see where they were taking me until they made me climb the stairs and then dragged me to the hallway on the left.

"Leave you bastard .When I get my arms free I swear to moon goddess I will chop all of your dicks,then multisect it and shove it down your throats.Then I will feed you all to my shark.I wish you choke on your own saliva and die".

I kept yelling,but nobody paid me any mind.

One of them mockingly said " Be careful otherwise your imaginary shark will eat you instead".


They continue to drag me through the hallway. I kept twisting and turning in their grip but it's no use.

With another turn we stopped in front of the almighty door to hell appeared.

Opening the door ,they push me inside.

"Alpha Zander we brought the person".

Suddenly I am engulfed with a familiar cool minty natural masculine scent.

It took me a minute to process what was happening around me.The person from whom I was trying to run from last night was standing in front of me in a towel ,covering his lower half under his shirt. For a few moments I forgot that I played a prank on somebody and who the person was I played it .

When he turned around I was dumbstruck .

The king of fools -I mean- The king of wolves is my mate.

If I had not been in this situation I was sure my jaw would have touched the floor and my eyeballs would have come out of my socket by now and bounced on the floor like a ping pong ball.

'Mate Mate Mate' my wolf, Chloe, kept chanting in my head.

' Finally you have time to come back. I thought you died somewhere in my mind because you haven't been answering me since last night'.

I mentally narrowed my eyes on her.

'I do not come for you, I have come for that one'.


'I have been handling you for three years and you are the biggest pain in my ass .Now it's time for me to spend my days with this handsome hunk of meat that is standing in front of us. If I leave this on then I am sure I am going to spend the rest of my life single'.

'You are not going anywhere.Back off bitch'.

We both fight for control. Somehow my human side pushed her back in my mind. She angrily snarled at me for not letting her come to the sure. If it's in her pow I would be having five pups with my mate by now.

But suddenly I remembered where I was and before whom I was standing. My shocked expression changed to anger, hatred and disgust.

Was it not enough punishment for me that I found my mate and now this? This guy was an arrogant jerk.

On other hand his expression turned from angry to delight. His hazel golden brown eye with golden flex in it twinkle like the star on the top of a fucking Christmas tree and his face look like a lost puppy finally found its favorite bone. My scowl depends ten times more.

'Keep that expression up and you are going to land yourself on the role of next Cruella de Vil from One Hundred and One Dalmatians'.

'My face is not that bad. Right? '.

'Keep telling yourself "she snickered in my mind.

I let my eyes wander on his appearance. I had seen him through the camera of the conference room but seeing him in person was a different story. The man was truly an art. Sharp hazel eyes with golden flex in it , light red lips, sculpted eyebrows, long eyelashes which can put any girl in shame, dark brown hairs which are a little bit unruly , he must have been passing his fingers through them continuously . He was very well built , broad shoulders, narrow tree trunk like waist , muscular legs and arm . He was at least six foot three.

I came back to reality. Seeing my scowl his face changed into confusion and a little hurt flashed through his eyes, but soon he covered it up.I felt a little bad for treating him that way. He may have many negative sides but I could tell he loves his pack fiercely from what I had heard.

He ordered everyone to get out of the room.


It was just us in the room. The tension in the room thickened than before. He was the first who broke the silence.

" Why did you run away yesterday and why did you prank me? " He asked me while leaning against the table.

"Aren't you a noisy ones? "I asked with my arms folded and one eyebrow lifted.

" Not noisy. Just being my curious self. So tell me why you do that? ".

" Because I sensed your presence yesterday and I do not want a mate.Answer to your second question is I do not know why I did that '' .I did not beat around the bushes and told him directly this time.

He walked closer to me and tucked a hair strand behind my ear. My breath caught in my throat.

"You know nobody can get away by disrespecting me? ".

"Then what is going to be my punishment Alpha? ".

Was that my voice? I could not recognize my own voice. I sounded so suggestive.

He ran his thumb on my lower lip.

" Don't tempt me mate, I may take you for the offer".He placed the thumb on his lips and sucked it while keeping his eyes on me. It was like I was under his spell. He began to step back while keeping his eyes on me.

"Now tell me about yourself sweet. I know you are a white wolf. I wanted to know more about you".

I could not believe I was doing this. I was letting someone else rule over me but it was like my body and mind was not in my control.

I told him things he needed to know about me .He did not need to know about the dark past I endured.

"I thought that myth was never born and it was just a story but it seems like the story is real. Who does know about this".Zander said in awe.

I had to tell Zander the truth. He already saw my wolf but I only told him that much that I knew.

" My brother Noah and Alpha James only know about the truth ".

"I first thought you were just a white wolf but this completely blew my mind" .

"Listen you do not have to be with me or carry - - -".He quieted me by placing his index finger on my lips. I looked at my finger then back at me.

" Shhh I am not going anywhere and you are not getting rid of me. I once thought I would not be bonded to my mate and I will reject her but when I saw you yesterday everything changed. There is no way in hell I am rejecting you , not even your truth can make me".

His words scared me to the core. I wanted to run up the hill away from him. These feelings were scaring the crap out of me but at the same time it thrilled me which was weird. I never wanted a mate and now that he was standing before me I could not seem to pull myself away.

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