

Unknown P. O. V

According to the myths there were once a lot of white werewolves before 1500BC . They used to be rulers. With the passage of time people turn to question white wolves' authority. Some were against their ruling process.

Being a dominant type who does not tolerate disrespect, they start taking heavy measures against disloyalty.

According to the book, one of the punishments was, the person who is against their ruling will be whipped 15000 times or more until he or she dies.

Cutting every inch of the body with sharp knives along cutting their tongue taking out their eyeballs with the sharp end of the knife . They sprinkle salt on their wounds and lit a fire on the wounded person's body while he was still alive.

Lighting fire on a alive man's body and chased him by wild rough wolves in the forest.

These things used to happen in open areas in front of their family members and other people of the kingdom. So they would not even dare to think of it.

There are many other punishments that they used to perform all too brutal to be endured by anybody.

Near the end of 1500 BC , many left the packs and started to live their lives as rough. With the increase of rough territory, many start killing white wolves. They and their families along with the children were brutally killed by the roughs and other wolves of the kingdom.With the beginning of 1600 BC white wolves' existence decreased in number. Few survived but they started hiding along with families.As most of the wolves became rough they started to lose their sanity.

Rogues made their own kind. First rogue alpha was Alpha Heades. Rogues were not allowed in pack territory. They build their rogue palace in a barren land. With passage of time rogues become more cruel .They start conquering the packs for more land.

Pack wolves need a ruler though they do not want to repeat the past but they want somebody to guide them. Among the wolves ,black wolves are the strongest after white wolves but they are not the dominant type that leads to the rise of royals. Because they have suffered from one ruling system previously, they decided that the big kingdom will be divided into small packs and each pack will have their own alpha and luna. If there is a problem in the packs then that will be handled by the royals. Royals will interfere in pack matters unless required.

When this was happening on the earth Goddess Selene, the moon goddess was very sad and angry with the wolf kind but she understood why they did that but she did not want to remove their existence.

She decided that her last descendant will take birth on earth as a white werewolf when among the supernatural people who will kill the others for power and wealth . She will establish peace and stability among all kinds in the supernatural world.

Selene's last descendant is her beloved fiftieth daughter who is a perfect combination of Selene and her mate. She has an equal proportion of power of both .

As Goddess Selene is worshiped by many supernatural kinds therefore she can control most of them.

Her daughter will have the same ability along with some other abilities like controlling the earth.

As goddesses do not know whether history will repeat itself or not. Though it is her decision to make one of the daughters take birth on earth, she can not control the childs upbringing.So she decided if her daughter fell into wrong hands there would be a way to kill her. There will be a weapon for that.

If someone uses that weapon to kill her then only her soul will be seperate from the human body and there will be no powers any more.

Normal silver weapons can make her weak for a little or can kill her human body but soul will still be alive with the powers and because it's a soul it will be more powerful.

There are creatures who want to get her so they can make her do their work according to their will or kill her to become the most powerful species in the world.

But nobody knows what the weapon looks like.

Alex P. O. V

"No one can do anything to you and on top of that nobody knows what is looks like"he said.

" Killing me will not be the problem but getting hold of my powers is the problem. They will destroy everything ".

" Do you know where the weapon is? ".

" Yes I know where it is and what it looks like. On my 16 th birthday I got the vision of the whole damn history and the weapon. Most of the history is the same but there are few important parts that are not included and few are not real".

The weapon was a sword made up of gold and silver. It is in a cave of ancient dragons . They are the protectors of the sword. It is not easy to get it, the sword is protected by thousands of rough dragons which means they are extremely brutal and even someone succeeded to cross the dragons but the sword is between a big hole filled with magical lava and the sword is suspended just above the lava by a magical shield. To remove the shield there is a spell but wrong word in the spell the shield will remove and the sword will fall in the lava, sword only can be destroyed in that lava . So when a sword falls in the lava it will instantly destroy it and the lava will explode and destroy the whole cave and there will be no way to get out of it.

"Hey, I will protect you".I brought back to reality by zander's voice.

Before I could say anything to him there was a knock on the door.

" Yes?".

His warrior came in.

"Alpha, we have a problem. The rogues have attacked the north side of the border and there are more than fifty wolves".

This is not good.

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