
Chapter 27 Back to Blood Shadow Pack

"Okay, then, I'll come with you," I said, straightening up and walking toward my father.

Stacey took my arm and said, "Rylee, I go with you."

I knew I couldn't dissuade her. Even if I refused her, she would find a way to come along, so I simply nodded.

It seemed that my father didn't mind taking one more person on the road, and he simply turned to Franz and asked, "Are you going to stay here?"

Franz shook his head, with an awkward look on his face. "I'll leave with you then."


My father left after dropping Stacey and me off at his villa in Blood Shadow Pack. Before he left, he assigned two guards to me.

"For your safety," he said in a dignified manner. Obviously, these men were here to keep an eye on me and prevent my escape.

I pushed open the living room door and found a man sitting on the couch. He was about forty years old, and he looked imposing. When he heard the noise, he turned towards us.

"Gamma Gary!" greeted the two guards behind me respectfully.

Gary stood from the couch
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goodnovel comment avatar
Tammy J Hendricks
I’m loving this story but dang it give more updates than one chapter at a time!...

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