
A rude



trust that you’re finding the accommodations to your standards,” The familiar voice of my mystery captor came from somewhere near the door to my new hell. Sarcasm dripped as he stepped further into the room.

Somewhere between my pounding on the door and finally giving up, I’d fallen asleep. I hadn’t planned too and I guess I could take solace in the fact that nothing had happened to me while I slept, but every nerve within buzzed, my flight or fight mode was stronger than ever now.

“Not that I had very much of a choice in the matter, all things considered,” I replied flippantly as I scanned the hallway behind Blondie. Didn’t appear to be too many people in the hall behind him but that wasn’t to say there weren’t people I couldn’t see.

Given what I knew bout the Ducane’s and the fact that this asshole literally looked like he stepped off the runway, it was a safe bet that the place would be crawling with all types of low life scum, happily feeding off the scraps their ove
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