



he Lion’s Den seemed to be at the center of everything. I’d sent Madden and Cian out to find out what they could about the new owners of the damn club. Laoise and Tiernan were tasked with trying to track down the girl from last night and I was here waiting for the rest of my guys to arrive.

I was growing restless with the lack of information so far. As much as I wanted to trust Cian to let his guy handle the hunt for what we needed to know, I couldn’t. I wanted my own guy on it too, I needed something concrete for when I made the call to Stryker. It wouldn’t do the current deal I was brokering with them any good, if they found out I was keeping this from them and I didn’t trust any of these Irish not to run back to Lennox Senior if it meant getting back into his good graces.

“Dane,” Jonah answered before the phone even had a chance to ring. He sounded wary.

“Is everything okay Jonah?” I asked, I needed his full attention. I couldn't have him distracted.

“Yeah, everything is fin
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