
The far all



amon leaned in, his arms caged me against the kitchen bench, the scent of his aftershave sending a thrill down my spine and lashings spasms between my thighs. I ran my hand up his chiseled chest.

“We shouldn’t,” I whispered, I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince him or myself. There was no denying the attraction we had both been skirting around for weeks now. “They’ll be back soon.”

“I don’t care,” his voice was gravelly, I could see the fight in his eyes, Dane was having the same trouble I was. Resisting what was developing between the two of us was starting to become harder and harder the longer we tried.

He stepped closer, one hand around my back now, pulled me closer to him, our breath mixed, there was nothing between us, I could feel his hard cock digging into my belly. His forehead resting on mine, sent my heart racing.

“My cousin will kill you if he finds out,” I whispered against his lips, my control steadily slipping the longer we were like this. We were strad
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