
I do


After all those years of feeling I had nothing to live for but a disgusting excuse for a brother who made me do things that no girl should ever do, I suddenly have a whole world in front of me.

I love wandering through the fields every day – especially today.

Especially since there was a knock at the front door this morning and I had to sign for a parcel with my name on it. I had to ask three times to make sure the courier was sure, but there it was in print – Anna Josephine – my name right over the address. I stared at it for ten whole minutes before I opened it, and when I finally tore into the box it took my breath.

A new pair of boots in just the right size. The delivery note said from Riven and Kennedy, you earned them with a string of kisses underneath. I still have it in my pocket. I don’t think I’ll ever take it out.

I love feeling the mud under those new boots as I set off across Riven’s beautiful farmland with a load of planks on my shoulder and a hammer stuffed down my
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