
Chapter 5 Awake

Chapter 5

“Help me,” The faint voice said again, making Eileen feel reassured it was a human being and not any dangerous animal.

“Miss, we have to go now!” Emily said and began pulling her from the stranger who was holding her back.

While pulling her with all her might, the injured person sprawled on the ground and crawled her leg. With each passing moment, the grip tightened, making Eileen wonder who the person could be.

How could the person be breathing faintly and still have enough power to be able to pin someone down on the spot?

After a lot of pull from her maid, Eileen was finally able to get off the grip. She attempted to leave with her maid since they were in a hurry trying so hard to get home before her step-siblings could, even though that was just wishful thinking.

“Help me, I'll reward you!” The faint voice was heard again rendering Eileen speechless as she couldn't help but think how a person in that state could still sound grumpy and confident.

“Miss, we don't have time to spare the person. Let's leave this place as fast as possible! We shouldn't have taken this route knowing how dangerous it is!” Emily lamented as it's rare for people in their pack to follow the route even though It was one of the fastest routes in their pack.

Mainly, strangers from other packs use and follow the route, especially those who don't know where they are going.

“Let's go, Emily,” Eileen said after one last stare at the unknown fellow. But after leaving for a few minutes, she instantly rushed back to the latter.

She was about to flash the light to the person but the Moon Fancy the person instead and did Justice by flashing itself thoroughly on the person who was bleeding heavily and at the same time covered with bruises.

“Miss, what are you doing? I know you're kind but there's nothing we can do to help this person, who knows if he's sent by the enemies!” Emily yelled strongly against whatever Miss had in mind.

She knew the moment she turned back and rushed to the injured fellow, she could already see through her heart. They've been together for years and of course, she was aware of every little thing about her to the extent of how she does think at times.

Despite all that Emily had said, there was no response from the other end which led to Emily holding Miss ' hand and dragging her up ready to leave, even though the sight of the man heavily injured and needing help was heartbreaking still she was against helping the strange man.

Being dragged away, Eileen could only stare keenly at the injured man, she was aware of why her maid was against helping the stranger but at that moment she didn't know what came over her that she pulled out her hand from Emily “Maybe we could help him, he needs our help,” 


In a dimly lit room, soft rays of sunlight filter through the curtains illuminating the still figure of a man lying on a bed. Besides the man, Eileen sat on the chair next to the stranger carefully tending to the stranger's wound.

The bandage wrapped around the stranger's torso, which is evidence of the thorough extensive care he had received from Eileen. Even though it wasn't an easy task for her to have the stranger in her room after she was unmarried, and could easily spoil her reputation, not just hers but her father's reputation.

“When will you wake up?” Eileen asked the stranger who had remained motionless, with his shallow breathing. Throughout the past few days that she has been tendering to the strange man her unwavering confidence and devotion never waver.

Knock… Knock…

Eileen sprung up and quickly rushed to cover the stranger on her bed with enough duvet, making sure it wouldn't be easy to be noticed by anyone before walking towards the door.

“Who's that?” She asked while leaning on the door with her itchy breathing.

Eileen was so worried and scared, it could be any one of them, it could be her stepmothers or step-siblings which was why her breathing suddenly became itchy.

“Miss, it's Emily, I brought your dinner and antiseptics,” She mumbled which Eileen could hear, and instantly opened the door.

Emily dropped the food on the table not without giving the stranger who was already covered up a weird strange stare, she wasn't happy with the fact that her miss decided to help a random stranger despite knowing the consequences that could cause her.

“Quickly, go back and have them under your gaze,”

“In case, they're coming near my room, make sure you notify me immediately, Emily,” Eileen said, flipping back her hair tiredly as she walked towards the door with the hope that Emily was following closely behind her back.

“Miss,” Emily suddenly called while staring keenly at her Miss, she knew the lady was so kind but she needed at least one convincing reason why she would be doing all those things for a mere stranger, who could even be an enemy to their pack.

“Why are you going the extra mile to help a stranger you barely know anything about?” Emily asked sobbing silently, her gaze filled up with endless worries.

“I have no reason, Emily, he needs my help and I rendered the help,” Eileen said with a heavy sigh, how could she just leave someone who was about to die just like that, she knew she might regret it throughout her life if she had done that.

“He was about to die, Emily,” 

“This is the little help I could render to him,” She said calmly with her arms folded against her chest.

And without any more words, she watched her maid walk out of the room without uttering a single word to her, it's been like that since the moment she decided to help the stranger.

Eileen sighed tiredly, before removing the duvets she had used to cover the stranger and began dampening his forehead when she suddenly felt like he moved his eyes.

“Did he just move his eyes? Did I see it wrong?” She wondered confusedly before bending over to the stranger's chest, resting her ear on his broad chest to hear the sound of his breathing.

“What do you think you are doing?” A voice flared up and what came next was a groan.

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