
A discovery: Make the move

The time had come for the luna to release the guards to return to the mainlands to give feedback to Lucas from what they had gathered so far. Raul was there. He saw her instruct them to be careful and remain protected as they know they should be to get the priest’s prying eyes away from them.

Raul heard this and was shocked to hear that it was possible to be hidden from the priest’s magical monitor. He asked in curiosity. “Wait what did you say?”

The luna paused and turned to gaze at him and replied in a small voice that almost seemed like a whisper. “Yes. Yutti here…” she pointed at Yutti who stood beside the guards bidding them farewell. “He discovered a way to refute the priest’s spying eyes.”

“Hmm… really?” he sighed gazing at Yutti who barely heard him. “So how do you guys do it?”

“That was the reason why we were able to be here in the world of the origi

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