
Chapter 81

Lily’s pov

“I am sorry my love. I don’t know what to do?” I had no idea what Osiris meant or why none of the wolves that were around me weren’t moving. They were wolves from our pack, I recognized their scent. So why weren’t they attacking Alpha Gabriel. “I am free, it’s okay Osiris.” Osiris sounded sad when he said “it’s too late. I have already signed the pack over to Alpha Bernard and Gabriel.” I was so mad. I was free, I would have been able to save myself and Asher. Osiris didn’t need to give the pack away for me. This pack belonged to him, it was our home. “He was just trying to save you” Arya said. I knew she was right, but what fate were we headed to now? What would happen to our pack? Could we even live there now? I didn’t have time to ask Osiris any of the questions. Alpha Gabriel had the biggest smile on his face and looked towards me “throw her in the dungeon.” The wolves around me shifted back to humans and gently walked me towards the dungeon, while wh

Naomi D.

Sorry for not posting this yesterday. My day was crazy busy. Hope you all are doing well. Will write the next chapter now, so I won't leave you hanging again. I love hearing your thoughts and if you like my story please leave a review, gem or comment.

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Comments (7)
goodnovel comment avatar
J Hood
Yeah ok this is ignorant, I am done with this book. That was it for me.
goodnovel comment avatar
Yeah i’m done with this. Absolutely loved this story until suddenly the author trashed Osiris’s character and ruined it. not worth finding out what happens next. Why does this happen with these authors who have sooo much potential.. this is where an editor would have helped.. because this is stupid
goodnovel comment avatar
Dionne Perrin
Something seems off maybe Os has a plan

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