
Chapter Eighty Two


As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. I knew I had hurt Raiden with my words, but I had to choose my happiness over his. It was a tough decision, but it had to be made.

I replayed the argument in my head over and over again, thinking of all the things I could have said differently. I knew I couldn't change what happened, but I wished I had been more compassionate towards Raiden's feelings.

But then again, what choice did I have? I couldn't stay with someone who constantly tried to sabotage my happiness, and I knew that Ignacio was the one I wanted to be with. I had to prioritize my relationship with Ignacio over anything else, even if it meant losing a friend in the process.

I knew that I had to move on and let go of the past, but it was easier said than done. I still felt guilty and ashamed of the way I treated Raiden. I hoped that with time, he would forgive me and we could go back to being friends.

But for now, I had to focus on my relationship wi
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