



3 years later.


“Welcome, Ms. Campbell.” My personal assistant greeted me as I made my way inside. 


Holding my head high, I glanced at the people that were in the conference room. They were two women, and they were in their mid-40s.


“Good evening, Ms. Campbell.” The woman greeted me. 


Taking my seat, I smiled at them. “Hello, Mrs. Thompsons.” 


They returned the smile, and I tried to keep my fake smile in place. The Thompsons were my high-paying clients. 


I'm currently the CEO of Elod's security organization. It is currently located in human territory, but my employees were werewolves. 


However, our clients were mostly humans because they were the ones who needed protection more than werewolves. 


The ladies in front of me were humans who had no idea that they were staring at a werewolf. 


“Ms. Campbell, we have been waiting for an hour. Couldn't you have told us that you were going to be late?” The first woman muttered. 


Sighing, I collected the files that my assistant was handing to me. "Sorry, I was late. I was so caught up with what I was doing. By the way, why are you ladies here? I thought that I had already offered you a contract.” 


“You did.” The second lady said something, making me look away from the file to look at her. “We are here for something else.”


“And that is?” I asked. 


“We were wondering...”


Just then, another employee walked into the room. He headed towards me, leaning. He whispered into my ear. 


“There is a werewolf on the loose. We guessed it was a rogue. I don't know the gender, but we were hoping you would come check it out.” He whispered. 


I was stunned by what he had told me, but I managed to put on a straight face. I nodded at him, and he turned around and left. 


“I'm sorry to say this.” I began. “I will have to go, Mrs. Thompsons. I have an urgent matter to attend to.” 


The ladies looked disappointed. “You have just gotten here.” 


“My assistant would handle all you want,” I told them before rising to my feet. “I will take it up with you both later.” 


Mrs. Thompson pouted. I waited, waiting for her to snap at me, but the other one tugged at her arm. 


“Fine, we will let your assistant attend to us.” 


“Oh, thank you.” I clasped my hands together. “I'm leaving now.” 


I stared at my assistant, and she nodded her head, assuring me that she could handle it. With that, I walked out of the room. 


The werewolf better be a reasonable one because if he or she is a problem to the different species, My security team was going to get rid of it. 


I got to the parking lot, and I found various of my men. They were packing all the weapons that were needed to capture a werewolf. 


They acknowledged me by nodding their heads, and I responded by nodding back. 


“Elodie.” A voice called, and his footsteps approached me. 


“Yes, Lucas?” I asked as I got to my car and pulled the driver's seat open. “Where is the loose werewolf?” 


Lucas got into the car with me and sat in the passenger's seat. He strapped his seatbelt on just as I was done with mine. 


“He was found in city X,” Lucas replied. “He was drunk and ended up transforming prematurely.” 


Werewolves that transform prematurely are hard to find. They are the ones who lose control of their transformation after years of not shifting. 


“Sounds easy to tame,” I mumbled, confident that I was going to be able to deal with him as I have dealt with others. 


“Confident, are we?” 


“Yes.” I started the car and hit the road. 


Glancing at the rearview glass, I could see the other cars following us. I opened the drawer in my car, took out my gun, and pulled the trigger. 


“Silver bullets?” Lucas eyed the gun as he inquired. 




Lucas backed away at the mention of the tranquilizer. We didn't say a word to each other until I was pulling the car to the side of a building next to an alley.


“Is this the location?” I asked Lucas. 




I got out of the car, slamming the door shut. Lucas followed suit. The alley was dark, but we could see in the dark; we were werewolves after all. 


I readied my gun and pulled the trigger. I aimed it at my path as I made my way into the alley. By this time, the others were already there with us, and I could still hear Lucas giving them instructions. 


My eyes scanned the alley as I walked deeper. I pulled out a torch for better visibility, shining it around. Hopefully, he hasn't harmed anyone yet.


There was no blood, which made me more cautious. Werewolves like him usually go on killing sprees.


“Elodie, wait up.” I heard Lucas calling out to me, but I didn't stop. 


I kept on walking; they were going to catch up with me soon. I stumbled upon a heap of clothes; they were several sizes. They looked like they were going to be my size. 


Then I saw a ripped cloth next to the heap. There was a sign that he was near, judging from the clothes. He must have wanted to put on some clothes. 


I reached down to pick up a cloth. If he was that tiny, he must be a teen. I was just turning around when a figure lunged at me. 

I managed to get out of the way before his claws could touch me. But I was thrown off balance when his left hand gripped my shoulder and shoved me. 


The torch I was holding fell off my hand, and I was about to get on my feet when he pinned me against the floor. 


I take my words back; this man wasn't a teen. He was huge—two times my size, no kidding. I tried squirming my way out, but it was no use. 


“Ducky?” He called, making my eyes widen. 


I stared at his face; the light flashed in his face. His hair was messy, but he looked as handsome as I could remember. His gray eyes held mine, and I felt my breath catch up in my throat. 


“What are you doing here?” He questioned. 

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