
Chapter Sixty-Seven

Acheron’s POV

The musty stench of dirt and mold is familiar to me. It stinks of decay and death, just like my own dungeons.

I can’t sense my beast. What did he do to me?

“What have you done? I am your king, you will die for this.” I scream as anger floods me. The thick iron bars between me and the arsehole betas is all that stands between me and vengeance. They took my wolf. How the fuck did they take my wolf?

What is Cronin doing here? That fool was killed by my pet rogues years ago.

“You are no king of mine. Our queen will decide your fate after the party, and I... can’t... wait, to carry out your sentence myself.” George comes close to the bars and snarls his threat in my face. He has no idea what I am capable of. My men will follow their orders, I have no doubt of that. If taking Zaine and his little bitch down is the last thing I ever do, it will be worth it.

“Your Queen,” I snort, almost chocking on laughter. “Your Queen is weak, just like her father. Weakness has no place on t
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