
Chapter 3


Everything was happening too fast… or maybe too slow, I had no idea. All I knew was that something was happening and everything else was making my blood run faster, my heart pump quicker, and my lungs work over time. It was overriding my system with what felt like a ball of fire and my mind was failing to have a firm seize on the whole situation.

It was as though I was left grasping on the thinnest shards of a sanity and I was damn sure I was this close to losing it.

Was I supposed to feel this way? Like I didn’t belong?

Yes, I get it, this place was so foreign. My whole life, I have known the small island, and if I were to really think about it, I still didn’t belong there either.

But now, everything felt different.

With all these thoughts running amok in my mind, I rolled up the window and turned the ignition, before kicking off the side of the road and driving the remaining kilometers to the pack house.

It had been a few minutes since I stopped for a quick pep-talk while the others took off, and they must have been at the house by then.

I was lost in thought, drinking in the green of Ashford and what others knew as Blood Moon Pack. As soon as the castle-like building peeked through the trees, I knew there was no turning. Yes, I could turn the damn Lamborghini around and vanish into thin air- although I suspected there was a tracker on this beast- or I could just…

Anyway, running was totally off the charts. So with the remaining strength, I pushed onto the gravel driveway with trees lining up the sides, all while gawking at the structure that lay sprawled before my eyes.

Blood Moon Pack House had to be the most lavish and grandest house I have ever laid eyes on, and everything Serena told me suddenly made sense.

Souring four floors up, the pack house that... the pack castle had to have close to a thousand rooms if not more. With vast majestic windows and the world's finest tapestry, all in cream shades. The towers on each corner were all breathing entities, larger than life and anything I'd ever seen before.

I wasn’t even aware that was right before the majestic structure until I came to behind the black Cadillac, one of the three that were sent for us.

As quickly as ever, I regained my composure, looked into the rearview mirror to see if I was still presentable, and then stared ahead at the audience glaring my way.

My cheeks warmed when I spotted giant wolves standing guard and sandwiching three men who were all clad in black, and I instantly made out Chase from the trio.

He was hard to miss, thanks to his looks and his exceptionally red hair.

The other one was fairly tall, with a shiny black razor cut. He had an aura of enigma, like a scroll waiting to be unfolded to discover deadly secrets. The one in between was a whole different case.

He looked… Like he didn’t belong here. Like he was from a whole different world. And the assault of his stare could be felt more than I did of the others.

Aside from them were the other unfamiliar werewolves, in human form. There had to be four of them, and were standing like statues behind the men.

A scoff ripped its way out of me before I pushed the door of the Lamborghini open, and let myself out.

My foot touched the English soil, and the temperatures spiked.

It felt like the air around us had been charged with a blue current, violent and zapping through my brain with unforgiving licks.

My breath hitched, and my nose flared under the richest assault of musk, fresh raindrops, and Orion Nebula.

My insides stirred uncomfortably, my heart hammered against my chest and my vision blurred. My eyes seemed to make out nothing except the beast clad in black from head to toe, shoulder-length hair, muscles that would bring down mountains, and a frown deep enough it could form a stream.

And then it happened… as slow as ever, and with nothing but cotton smoothness.

A voice called in my head, uttering one word that clued me in one spot.


My eyes widened just in time as his. Realization hit us like a whiplash, and the shock on his face wrapped around my throat like invisible fingers.

“Well, this is an interesting turn of events.” A voice from another realm called out. And reality dawned on me like a cold shower.

It couldn’t be! The universe couldn’t be that much of a joke. How…

Riftan was my mate?

The questions bombarded my mind mercilessly, almost gluing me to the ground.

What now? Wasn’t he supposed to run to me and scoop me in front of everyone and start claiming how much he loved me? Why did he stand there like a frozen statue, eyes gawked wide like I had just insulted him? Why? Why and motherfucking why?

Tears threatened to clog my throat, but I pushed them down with a small swallow and a perfect breath that shook me out of the stupor. This wasn’t the time to start weeping. I will get all my answers later. If not sooner.

With that in mind, I walked graciously to where everyone stood, stopped a good foot from them, and greeted them. My heart thumped louder, and I bet everyone in a 5-mile radius could hear it hammering against my chest, but I left nothing on my face. My expression was a solid mask of sophistication; everything was flawless.

“A lovely day, everyone. I am Eden Noles.” My hands were clasped in front of me, a straight expression allowing nothing to be seen on my face.

“You took your sweet time.” A voice like no other called out, and my eyes drifted to the one that smelled like life and death wrapped in one box with a red ribbon on it. In a second, I found myself staring into the world’s most beautiful eyes ever. The left eye resembled sunset, a cross between an alluring yellow and orange that made me wonder if this man was handcrafted by the goddess herself. The right eye was midnight black, with what looked like an ice blue split in the iris.

I didn’t mean to, but a smooth “Wow” rolled down my lips, causing his face to split in the most beautiful grin ever.

This man was so beautiful.

Tall, black midnight hair that cascaded over his shoulders like the mane of a lion, a strong, firmly built body that made him look like he was carved by the gods.

And he was my mate!

“You must be Alpha Hawk.” He had to be.

I settled for nonchalance, masking all my thoughts and refusing to let him know how affected I was by his mere presence. I was still muddled by the idea of having him as my mate, and now seeing him up close made me feel things I never knew I was capable of.

But one thing for sure, I found myself wondering just how in the world would someone be this perfect and yet have the worst reputation.

Riftan Hawk had to be in the celestial realms, amongst the stars and the gods.

“That I am.” He spoke, low and clipped like he was having a serious internal warfare with himself. If it was anything close to what I was having at the moment, then it served him right.

“Since our lady has arrived…” Chase, the gamma who seemed to be a god in saving awkwardly clapped his hands and gained everyone’s attention.

“How about we take inside?” He grinned at me before eying his Alpha whose gaze was burning holes into my skin.

“That’s a good idea,” I responded with a small smile, ignoring the hot glare from the alpha.

“Shall we?” He half-growled before spinning around and storming into the house. The climb up the stairs took him a second before he disappeared into the giant castle-like house, leaving us with jaws on the floor.

“That was…” I probed after a long pause of pure silence.

“Apologies, Alpha Noles, Miss Noles.” The man who has been standing beside Riftan since I arrived claimed with a small bow, and I concluded right there and then that he was Kylek.

“You must be Kylek,” I said with a small smile, causing the man to respond with a curt nod and a small bow.

“Pleased to meet you, Miss Noles.” He stretched his hand out, and I was quick to clasp it in a firm shake. His hand was warm and strong with an iron grip, and I found myself asking even more questions.

Was Riftan as strong as his men? Chase had an iron grip too.

Was his hand hot too? Or he was a cold-hearted monster the world knew him as?

“Please, let’s all step inside.” Kylek walked a few paces before all of us while we came trailing behind him.

A soft tug on my t-shirt had me slowing in my strides.

“I forgot to mention one thing,” Serena whispered behind her palm. I stopped dead in my tracks and inched closer so she could whisper in my ear.

“Alpha Hawk is not so big on the mate bond.” Her revelation felt like an icicle shoved down my throat.

“Sorry to say this, my lady, but we are in deep shit."

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