

I have to force myself to smile and touch Jae for over twenty minutes when I really just want to scream and hide my head on the floor like a scared ostrich. And just stay there.

Every time Jae opens his mouth, he makes me hate him even more.

Fuck him. Fuuuuck him. And fuck my mom for being so stupid. Does she even know what power of attorney is? Probably not. Or she probably didn't care, she was just thinking about the money.

"Are you okay, Anya?" someone asks me all of a sudden. I look at the guy, completely confused. I've been zoning out so much, I don't even remember his name.

"Yeah, all good," I give him a fake smile, and I guess it's obvious because the mood gets a little awkward, but luckily he changes the subject and starts talking about boring stuff with Jae again.

Once the random guy leaves, Jae turns me until I'm face to face with him and wraps an arm around my waist to pull me into his body. He grabs my head with his other hand and brings his lips to my ear. I'm sure we
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