

*The next Morning*

The sound of the cell opening jotted Amby from her sleep.

She slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes welcomed the sight of the bright sun.

Her head hurts due to the pain she went through yesterday.

"Jake..." She muttered as she saw a figure standing in front of her.

"Jake, I know you will come for me. Jake, I had a...a terrible dream." She muttered.

"Stop talking nonsense and get up!" A voice yelled and she fully opened her eyes and her heart sank seeing the cell officer standing in front of her.

So it wasn't a nightmare after her, after what had happened and that's it.

"Get up!" He ordered, and she did, holding her head.

"The pack heads are holding your trail, let's go." He said and chained Amby like a criminal and the thought of that made a tear fall from her eyes.

She was taken to the courtroom for the trial, looking sick, and pale.

Her eyes met with Jake and she stared at him for a minute, he couldn't take his eyes off her until the chief judge said something.

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