

Jake quickly called for backup, his voice low and urgent. Meanwhile, William stared silently, his eyes scanning the surroundings. He moved with caution, trying not to make a sound as he surveyed the other group. His heart raced as he noticed they were all heavily armed.

Just as William was about to retreat and report back to Jake, he saw two men carrying a body towards the beach. His heart skipped, and he froze, watching in shock as they prepared to dump the body into the water. William's mind raced with so many questions "who was the victim?" He muttered quietly. "And why were they trying to dispose of the body?" He said again.

As he watched closer as he hid behind a car, closer to them.

They raised the body to dispose it when a hand let out.

Williams was shocked as he recognized is adorned with a bracelet. And he quickly recognized the bracelet as the same one he had once gifted to Lara on her birthday.

He recalled vividly how grateful she was that night and promised to wear it all
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