

Chapter 006

“Here you are, sorry excuse of a woman. Little wonder the alpha kicked you out, you are all beauty, no character, and no worth. Useless, totally useless.”

Stephanie had decided to take a break after working all morning. Since being demoted as a slave she has worked round the clock with little amount of food and more work.

“You are a slave, slaves work and they have no choice.” the head of the omegas had told her when she complained of the back-breaking work she had to do.

“It is women like you that cause so many problems for other women, you knew the Alpha and Ava were a couple but you had to break them up. Karma only paid you according to your deeds.” she scowled at Stephanie

“I..” Stephanie tried to defend herself but stopped it was of no use trying to explain to someone whose mind was made up about you.

“You can't even defend yourself because you know you are as guilty as sin, you appear innocent but you are as evil as they come.” she gave her a mean look and left.

Wiping a tear away from her eyes Stephanie went to the sink to wash the piled-up dishes and seeing some leftover food, her stomach growled. She had not eaten anything since last night, madame as they called the head omega had made sure of it. It was as if she had a personal vendetta against Stephanie and Stephanie was sure she had never had any personal encounter with her, but she was so mean to her that many times Stephanie wondered if she was doing all this at someone's bequest. Everyone knew about the mate bond and how it was the moon goddess that gave everyone their mate, yet she was accused of stealing Alpha Damien from Ava. It was at this time of weakness that Stephanie cursed her life and fate, it would have been better if she had died in the fire at the orphanage at least she would not have had to endure this thing called life, and as for alpha Damien and Ava, Stephanie hoped they both rot in hades.

As her mind wandered the sudden growl of her stomach brought her back to reality and she started scraping the leftover meals from the plate and shoving them into her mouth, as she ate she cried at the degradation her life had been leveled to. Two nights ago she ate stale food, now she was scraping leftover meals from plates of those she was once Luna to.

As she did her work Stephanie contemplated whether or not to attend Mr. King's funeral which would be happening in the afternoon. Preparation had been going on for a month now and Alphas and dignitaries with their entourages had started arriving, everyone in the pack had been involved especially the omegas who saw to the cleaning and ensuring that the lodge was ready to receive guests. However, Stephanie had been cooked up in the kitchen, her help was not needed madame had said.

After the burial, there would be a grand feast, but Stephanie was not interested in the feast, she just wanted to pay her last respects to the only father she knew. And that was what she did after everyone had left for the funeral she made her way to the site where past alphas had been laid to rest, she stood at a distance to ensure alpha Damien would not see her. The ceremony started with some rituals and rites and suddenly there was a roar and everywhere went still.

Stephanie was confused as she had been so absorbed with the ceremony.

“What is she doing here?” Alpha Damien shouted and suddenly he stood face to face with Stephanie.

All eyes landed on her and she felt fear and shame wash over her.

Aloha Damien was angry, more with himself. Since rejecting and downgrading her to a slave he had wondered if he had been so harsh on her. If she had a hand in his father's death. He had not noticed her at the burial and even if he did he would not have minded since it was his father's burial and people were here to pay their final respects.

It was Ava who first saw Stephanie and pointed her out to him. When he saw her, his heart twisted with pain at how raggedly she looked, her eyes looked sucked in and blank, and the laughter was gone from it. When they were still together, he used to admire her ability to stay happy even after the way he treated her. He had destroyed her, he should be happy because that had been his goal since they mated, but he felt defeated and diminished.

And Ava was nagging again beside him. What did she want now?

"She should not be here, after what she did," Ava whispered, her voice filled with disdain.

Alpha Damien sighed, in frustration. "Let it be, Ava. Stephanie is far away, and she loved my father."

Ava's eyes narrowed, her voice dripping with venom. "Yet she killed him. Look at the smirk around her lips; she knows coming here would make you feel pity for her."

Alpha Damien's gaze hardened as he watched Stephanie from across. He willed her to look at him, but when their eyes finally met, Stephanie immediately looked away. His irritation grew, fueled by Ava's relentless nagging.

"Remove her from here," Alpha Damien commanded, his voice thundered with anger. "She is not welcome and befitting to mourn my father."

The guards moved swiftly, closing in on Stephanie. But before they could lay a hand on her, Stephanie walked away. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she struggled to hold back her emotions.

As Stephanie retreated, a hushed silence fell all over the funeral ground followed by whispering sounds. No one dared to speak out against Alpha Damien's orders, but an uncomfortable tension lingered in the air.

“Continue with the ceremony.” Alpha Damien ordered the priest.

The priest did as he was ordered and the rituals started as if nothing just happened

However, Alpha Damien's heart sank as he watched Stephanie's figure disappear from sight. Conflicting emotions swirled within him—guilt, regret, and a sense of loss.

“I am the Alpha, I can never be wrong.” He murmured to himself. The only problem was he did not believe it himself.

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