
60. Apology

Killian’s patience runs thin and I can feel him shift and uncomfortably move as I take my time to tend to his wound. I have never seen a wound like this and I can only assume this is a gun wound. Which was painfully abused to remove the bullet, with claws or a dull knife at best.

My medical knowledge was little, but there was something left from the time I volunteered as a Red Cross helper.

I can feel the way he grows bothered and hot under my lap, his erection growing steadily as he shifts. With his uninjured arm, he resides to touching me. Gentle stroke on my thigh , slipping slowly under the loose shorts of my pajamas. His fingers dare to seek the hem line of my underwear and I do my best to ignore him.

To ignore my own botherness and uneasiness and need and longing and lust that only blooms when his fingers sneak under the hem of my underwear. I let out a sharp hiss and narrow my eyes on his figure, when he moves them further down, over the stubbles of my recently shaved privates
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