

The air seethed with magical energy, and it was quite dense with a somewhat mix of moisture and static electricity. The hooded shapes of the druids were lit up by the dim and glowing log and flaming torches which seemingly glimmered from a direction to the other while casting shadows across the cobblestone walls of the enormous cave. Their chanting was eerie and it broke into a lively tune sometimes, but if one picked the low voices as they wove through the chantings, one would see sorrow and grief there. Their voices were genuinely concerned, much as they were.

It was morning. But that morning the voices of children were not heard. The paths were empty. Omegas did not meet in secret enclosures to mate. Young men who were always abroad kept to their houses. Their manly voices were not heard on the paths as they went to visit their friends and lovers. Greenville was like a startled animal with ears erect, sniffing the silent, ominous air and not knowing which way to run.

The crowd was mostly made of Betas who were eighty percent of the chain. Omegas did not return because of the heat.

The castle, like the fort, was built a little way outside the town. The moat that linked them was a very busy one because it also led to, beyond the castle. As the men made their way to the castle astride a long line of weeping women and startled children, they wore such fearsome and heavy looks. Greenville was astir in a silent, suppressed way.

It was as if a spell had been cast. All was silent, save for the woman's cry of agony and shouts of horror. The confusion that followed was without parallel. Violent deaths were frequent but nothing like this had ever happened.

Little groups of men joined them until they became a sizable company. They walked silently. As each of them got to the doors leading to their houses, they turned in and took a part of the crowd with them. The priest’s body lay in the pyre.

A long long time ago, three hundred years or more, after the war of the hallows, Aberdeen was still recuperating from the cataclysmic change of the war. And modernism was slowly creeping in. The priest, who now had been killed, foresaw the tragedy to come and had enclosed their world, making it disappear from the face of the earth, yet in existence.

When this had been done and another vision instructed that the people would voice out complaints to move to the new world, the other druids, came together and created the ‘Mylanthrope’- a misty cloud that takes one to the outer world under his wish.

Their long-time counterparts heard of so and by the help of the demon, enclosed their own world, preparing ardently for Aberdeen so as to strike and lock them forever in the ancient land and make them slaves. They prepared, with snatches of upsetting Aberdeen. And on many occasions, the priest and head of the Druidry order saved them in all of it.

And it was as well during one of those snatches of trouble that the priest was possessed and destroyed by Torelli, one of those evil essences loosed upon the world after the war and who was pretty much difficult to control. When Torelli died, he accepted reincarnation so as to revenge. And his scheme thus worked.

That was why Aberdeen was thrown into confusion the very moment word had passed around that the priest had died. They knew quite well that if their enemies were going to attack, it surely would be now since the dead priest was their only obstacle. They shuddered at the terrible prospect, like the prospect of annihilation. 

The only course open to Aberdeen was to sue for a re-incarnation. And if they would consent to it, it meant that they would visit Hades. The castle’s backcloth was an intricate picture of a rotten morning but the inside, even though wore an air of grief, was not as sad as the outside. It was evident from the way they sat, humming, that the meeting was strictly for knights.

Eighteen knights sat around the table with heads bowed in grief when king Emre appeared from the door, closely guarded. Hastily, every knight stood and did not sit until he sat. An atlas was spread on the dark mahogany table showing clearly geographical graduation from footpaths to forests; valleys to mountains; and many more.

The king came in, closely guarded by armed-to-the-teeth guards. In the modern world, he was a billionaire CEO. He let out a sigh as he sat.

‘ When we see a fellow running in fear, it means two things. First, that something is after his life or that he is after something, bad. When I saw you all pouring in into this castle, I knew that something was after our lives. We are supposed to be at our houses, attending to our children and family. Any Omegas here?’

At that, the council burst out laughing, but it was short-lived. His face contorted to a grimace as he continued. 

‘Hope we have heard of what happened he began crossly ‘ and we are left with only one option. And that option is re-incarnation. At the same time, we are faced with another problem that threatens our existence. Every one of us here knows that if our enemies are going to strike, it would be now. That is why we are taking this giant leap. We have two bad wars to fight. Now I have taken measures of hiring some special deputies, the most trusted crusaders. They have just returned from the other world to recieve the blessings of the druids before they begin their good good work’

Immediately, the castle door swung open and the crusaders came in. The first of them was Slaemann who in every inch looked the leader of the crusaders. Despite his handsome features and luscious smile, he was a very deadly man when it came to things like wars. In fact, it was him who brought honor to Aberdeen many years ago when he was eighteen by defeating a whole army. He was a vampire, a wolf, and an expert at handling the sword. His confident gait also said that. Thirteen rock-faced men watched belligerently from his back with their swords at the ready. 

‘Talk of the devil and he appears’ the king said, smiling.

Slaemann spread his hands and bowed his head ‘My lord’

‘Seems you have run out of people to kill at the arctic’

‘Not yet, my new employee is on the hunt for more elusive preys’

‘You look very very eager to do God’s work’ the king said again

‘Yes.’ Slaemann replied, making the sign of the cross in front of him and smiling ‘With the devils pride’

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