

"We will get back to you," Darius told Odhan and they all walked a little farther away from him.

When they are far away from Odhan, but still have him under their gaze, they started talking.

"Do any one of you trust him" Lucian asked the others?

"I don't believe him. He might be cooking stories again to gain our sympathy. It is not believable at all" Lucifer agreed.

"But his offer to help us, it seems to be a little desperate" Darius observed.

"Yes, it was made after a long consideration from him. He seems to have thought long and hard to make that offer" Lucian agreed.

"But it might also be a trick to fool us like he did earlier. The way he effortlessly lied to us without the fear of being caught is suspicious" Lucifer said.

"You mean, someone else made him do it?" Lucian asked.

"Yes, someone whom he is scared of. Enough to lie effortlessly. I feel like, he thinks us as the lesser evils of both" Lucifer concluded.

"Hmm.." Darius

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