
Chapter 212 - Talia

How did this guy put off so much freaking heat? It was like sitting next to a bonfire. And I wasn't wearing enough layers.

Pushing thoughts of Ark from my mind, I powered up the phone. Prayed the startup didn't take as long as it had the first time. I wasn't sure I'd be able to stand it. He was being too nice. Too understanding. Too...not evil.

Finally, the phone showed the home screen. I couldn't be certain, but I thought we both let out sighs of relief.

Focusing solely on the phone, I punched in Willow's number.

Ark finally got back down, scooted over until his hip was against mine.

"I don't want to try the speaker, just in case it's too loud." I just prayed I wasn't waking her up. Or disturbing her. Or pulling her from sexy times. That girl deserved all the sexy times she could ge-

"Tali!" she shrieked in my ear. "Let me get everyone else on. We've set up a whole system. Give me two seconds, but don't you dare hang up on me."

I looked at Arkady. "She's my sister."
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