
Party Invite

“ hey rose”

     anna said as she hold my chin up to face her , her hair is packed up, in a loose bun, with a round cut, which complimented  her face perfectly , she beams at me, “i can see well enough that your boss is making you till the ground with your teeth” she said, in a rather cheerful voice, sending shivers down my body, she doesn’t look as happily as she sounds. .

    How can the whole of the lopez make me feel this uncomfortable, “ no, it's not like that “ i said, “don't form the habit of defending him, “ she looks back at asher’s office then lets out a long  sigh, ‘’what has happened this time ? ” she whispered are she left my chin           

    Walking into the office, the light switch turns on immediately, asher was seated with a rather crossed look, she takes a seat opposite him, her legs crossed on each other, obviously starting  a conversation.

   It was nothing like a sibling conversation, more like a business setting where the boss sits at the top, and the bider below, with their hands going up and down, trying so hard to concentrate on the document, i see anna standing from her seat.

    Not even a word they said could be heard,  it was a noise proof office, all i could tell was their movement, and from the movement displayed anna is angry, totally thrown off balance as she had thrown a pillow at asher, this time barking angrily at him

   He remains unfazed by her, arms crossed on the desk, his expression indifferent, she takes a second pillow tossing it at him, then walks towards the exit,  what transpired in there?, lost in their view, the sound of opening door forces me to stare back at my computer I hope she didn’t catch me spying?

     "he's just an ass" she hissed, as she stride hurriedly towards the exiting balcony, " that's I am sure off" I whispered, typing hurriedly, he’s such an asshole, even to me, we had such  a great time yesterday, but no, he had to ruin it for  me, he's an asshole, not just a regular ass, but a fuckin bat ass.

    blood sucking, darkness mangling, color blind, overly handsome, shiver sending, knee weakening ass hole, he had made me love the  festival so much and hate it as well, who does he really think he is, a god of some kind, 

   " hey quit it" 

   The tapping sound of my desk makes me yelp, " rose, I thought I lost you for a moment" anna said as she beams at me, how long has she stood here, " sorry was busy" I said in a whose, as I sagged back on my sit, " I know he's an asshole, you don't have to tell me" , a flush of embarrassment passses  her eyes and for a moment, it looked like she was actually  embarrassed  of Mr white guy.

   Rolling my eyes, I totally agree, " yea, sometimes" an image of him smiling back at me, flourishes in my mind, so carefree  like the wind, he smiled, he made jokes, pulled me through the crowds, we went to the market together, even danced… we_

     " we would be having a little house warming party, you would be coming right?" She said leaning on my desk, scotting all the files so she's comfortable enough,  I could feel my belly tingle, house warming party, I have never been… " 

  “I would be picking you up, how about that, you would be with me, asher has nothing on you" 

      Her warm smiles give me the shivers, and maybe something more, the way her smile reaches her eyes, makes my heart flit , just like the first day I had seen her, haven't seen anyone rock a masculine look so much it stuck in your mind, she hops down moving over to the corner of my desk.

    " Rose , I would pick you up, by 8 pm, be dressed, and be prepared to be tipsy," she said, eyeing me from my head to my toe, as she bit her lips amorously, " and you would be there, right?" Her thumb brushes my lip gently sending this familiar redness to my cheek, " yes" I whispered,  she beams immediately, " yes , baby girl, you are going to be there" 

    Her hands leave my cheek, and for a second I find myself leaning  for her warm palms, damn , " ok bye rose" she says, in a split second she was down the corridor,  what just happened?.

       This family has a way of making me feel lost, even when I put so much effort in being composed, concentrate rose, you have work to attend to, taking my seat, my eyes drive back to asher, he had his eyes fixed on his phone, not on me thank goodness, so focused he had a pen suspended on air by his hands .

         Staring closer, his eyes met mine, f but just then the light went off, utter darkness once more , One’s again, the blood sucking, darkness lurking boss is back in his cove.


 " what are you wearing?Can you do me a favor?  don't be all rosali in this night party" jauna sags back on the bed, mostly disappointed then tired as she tried containing her distaste in my choice of attire. 

  Walking towards the closet, with my phone in my hands, I suspend it my phone on the empty shelf, 

 “ how about this?” I said taking a silk gown from the rack she waves her hands, “ too boring” 

 “ this?“

“ too fancy”

    " I will try, now how about this" I said pressing  a red gown asher I had brought with a rack earlier on my body, she yells immediately , " yes!, now let's go get laid!" 



       " true, the universe wants you to get laid"

Her hopping brows made her statement more fuzzy, “ it’s just a party nothing will happen “ I added before she tried anything,  My phone buzzes 

    " hey hold it, it's anna calling"

   " Ok girl , have a blast !” 

“ I will”

 “ We're getting laid!” 


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