
Summoning courage

For some time now, Becca had become increasingly troubled about the fact that she was keeping the knowledge of Ryan’s child away from him. She didn’t know the reason why she felt this way, considering the fact that in the beginning, she didn’t give a rat’s ass about whether he deserved to know about his child or not.

Maybe it was because Emma was away, for the first time in her almost seven years on earth and Becca had all the time on her hands and little to do with it, that she felt this way. Maybe it was the increasingly uncomfortable feeling that she had about lying to her friends, who were practically now her and Emma’s family all these years. Maybe it was because Emma was growing very rapidly, and Becca did not want to continue spinning lies upon lies. After all, it stood to reason that the child would want to see her father’s pictures and stuff like that sooner or later. What was Becca going to tell her when she asked for stuff like that? After all, this was the digital age, an
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