
Another problem

Chapter 89


I woke up to see B sleeping on my chest and her leg wrapped around mine. She had a peaceful look on her face as she breathed softly like a kitten, and her boundless hair was splattered all over me. Her face was slowly getting better. The red marks and bruises Ben inflicted on her yesterday were starting to fade, and her swollen lips looked less puffy now. It seemed like everything would heal faster than I thought.

Last night, we had made love till we both passed out. The memories were still fresh in my mind and I couldn’t stop replaying them.

Sighing in satisfaction, I gently sprung up to lean back at the headboard of the bed. I lifted B a little off my chest so as not to wake her and adjusted her on the bed. She made slight snuggly movements as though she noticed she had been moved to a different position, but she didn’t open her eyes.

I sat up at the edge of the bed, yawned and stretched out to shake off drowsiness. I cupped my face as I looked below and
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