
Setting The Motion


If anxiety was a person, then I became it fully in both mind and body. I was edgy in everything and I found myself ready to snap at anyone who as so much breathed near me. I was that irritable.

Maybe it wasn’t just that but the fact that there was nothing I could do to her other than stare. I minded my business with Athena but I just couldn’t get my eyes off of her. The way that she behaved and how her mood changed whenever she sensed me in the same room as her. I would relish on this fear months ago but why didn’t I have the same feeling as I did then?

Zavier told me it would only take him a few days but it was beginning to take a lot more than that. I was mostly on my toes around her, itching to get the pull from her gone.

How could I hate a person so much yet want every part of them? What does that make me?

Athena was not making it easy for me to channel my hate at her and Zavier wasn’t making it easy either. If he took any more day, I could loose my mind and actually ha
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