
At the Doctor


Scooping a shivering, green around the gills Annie into my arms, I carried her into the office. She snuggled her face into the crook of my neck, clinging to me. “I don’t like doctors, Mommy.”

I stroked her hair and held her tight. “I know sweetie, but they’re going to make you feel better.”

There were four other children waiting with their parents to be seen by the doctors. Several other people sat waiting their turn. Some sniffled, their noses red and their pallor gray.

One little boy cried loudly, holding his arm. His fingers were swollen and his mother was causing a scene, insisting they couldn’t wait. From the look of him, I tended to agree with her.

They were swept into the doctor’s consulting room next, causing some other people who had been waiting longer to grumble. Denise came in a few minutes later, taking a seat on the other side of Annie.

We waited in tense silence for our turn. Denise tried to assure me there was no way I could’ve seen Annie’s illness coming.

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