

It was none other than Anna, Arya’s stepsister.

“Mhmm, what’s that stench? who allowed this country bumpkin into this house?!”

Anna said while gesticulating with her hands as though there was a fowl stench.

Arya stopped in her tracks and shot Anna a murderous gaze,

she flinched.

“Why’re you giving me that nasty look? Did I say something wrong? You don’t belong here and that’s a fact!

You and your sickly mother should stay where you belong and stop polluting perfectly clean air!”

Anna retorted trying to get back her composure.

smiling cynically Arya stated “you’re right, everyone should stay where they belong!.”

Anna who was obviously taken aback didn’t expect Arya to be so compliant but then again she’s always been an easy pushover.

Unaware that Arya’s words were dripping with sarcasm she put on a smug look and said mockingly.

“Yes, seems you finally know your place, I don’t want to see you or your peasant of a mother anywhere close to this mansion or you’ll be thrown out. Understood?”.

A soft chuckle escaped Arya’s lips sending shivers down Anna’s spine, anyone could tell from the way she shrieked.

Then she stated,

“I can’t imagine coming back here, it’s filled with animals, I know my place as you’ve said, I belong with humans. So you definitely won’t be seeing me anywhere close to your kind!”.

“Why you! How dare you”. Anna snapped with action.


A loud sound was heard as Arya felt the impact of Anna’s palm on her cheeks, she readjusted her tilted head and stuffed the strands of hair from her face behind her ear. It seems that’s all the wake up call she needed from this family’s constant abuse as her expression grew fifty shades darker.

Anna stood with a smug look like a superior who just disciplined her slave. Oblivious of the change in Arya’s aura.

With Arya’s gaze sharper than a two edged sword and just like the speed of light she approached Anna.


A deafening scream was heard throughout the building, or more like a cry for help!.

Hair loss was definitely inevitable with the tight grip from Arya’s hands.

“Let go!..Ahh!”

Anna screamed in pain.

Soon the living room was filled with servants trying to make sense of the scene before them, they couldn’t help but snicker.

Of course it was rather amusing to see the second miss in such a ridiculous position, she always held herself high and mighty and treated everyone else like a slave.

They refrained from giving her a helping hand or even subsiding the situation, after all a little taste of her medicine wouldn’t hurt right? So they thought to enjoy the show while it lasted.

“Arghhh! You imbeciles.. how dare you stand there and do nothing!...Free me from this mad woman this instant”! Anna commanded.

“What’s going on here?! Let go of her! A deep voice from behind Arya commanded which was of course Mr. Andrew, Arya’s father coming to the aid of his beloved daughter.

Ignoring his command, she tightened her grip.

“Father! Help me! Save me from this crazy woman.”

Pretentious tears rolled down Anna’s cheeks.

The servants broke out in cold sweat, knowing punishment was imminent.

“If only your stage acting was half as good, I guess daddy wouldn’t have to buy every single contract for you”. Arya mocked.

It was no news that Anna was a terrible actress and all her roles were gotten by daddy’s influence.

The snickering from the workers agitated Anna even further, despite her ridiculous posture she dared to tilt her head giving them a death glare that made blood drain from their features.

Fearing that her neck might snap if this persisted, Anna cried out in pain.

“Ah-ah! I can’t feel my neck anymore”.

“Arya Let go of her this instance, don’t make me repeat myself”. Mr. Andrew said with a deep growl.

“Okay daddy, as you wish!” Arya’s said with words soaked with rebellious sarcasm.

She releases her grip and Anna immediately drops to the ground in a dramatic display while the maids rush to her aid in frantic panic.

“Get lost! She screams at the top of her lungs like a lunatic, breathing shakily she adds “you good for nothing slaves, how dare you try to touch me-“

“Your hair isn’t that long, I’m sure you would miss these few strands” Arya announced interrupting her cursing fit while dusting some hair strands off her palm.

“You wretch! I swear I will make you pay for this...”


Another resounding slap was heard as all the servants gasped and stared in disbelief.

“Took you long enough, I was wondering when you’d drop the fancy words and take action. I was beginning to think you only came down to witness the unfolding show.”

Arya spat while staring straight into her fathers eyes, her gaze solid like steel and as cold as metal.

Maybe it’s the mental breakdown or maybe it’s the humiliation she went through couple of minutes ago,

but for some reason she suddenly felt this burst of confidence and she wasn’t afraid of anyone or anything!

Mr. Andrew was greatly perplexed, never had Arya reacted this way, she would always cower and beg, but now she looks him straight in the eyes with no trace of fear.


she said solemnly,

“What’s that?”

He asked curiously.

“Having your blood run through my veins is disappointing and pathetic.”

the look of disgust on her face could not be hidden as she storms out of the house without waiting to hear his response.

As the door shuts behind her she is greeted by the cool evening breeze swirling her hair to its rhythm.

She lets out a breather “men that was intense”.

The feeling of emptiness envelops her as she walks aimlessly, it’s a busy night from the social interactions of people to the horns and sirens of cars but none of the sounds are heard as she continued walking like a ghost.

Soon she found herself standing in front of a bar, she wasn’t a fan of drinking but would sure make an exception today.

“Give me your best shot” she said almost inaudible.

“Okay ma’am coming right up” the bar attendant replied.

“Are you sure you can take it dear, you look a little frail, are you okay?” she asked

Arya tried to force an assuring smile but found herself tearing uncontrollably.

“If you’re not going to order step aside” a man from behind shouted already getting irritated.

“Hey, watch it, don’t talk to my customers like that” the bar attendant cautioned.

“I’m sorry, I was just leaving...”Arya tries to manage the situation

“Wait miss, if I may, can I have a word with you?”

“Uhm..sure” Arya nodded

Switching shift with her colleague, she takes Arya to an appropriate spot.

“I’m sorry to pry but I can’t help being concerned after seeing you tear up”.

“I guess I just couldn’t hold back, you’re the first person to ask me if I’m okay. Arya stated while adding,

“If I’m being honest, I would say I’m okay for now, my mom still breathes in the hospital...I wouldn’t know what I’d say if she dies” as she spoke tears slowly rolled down her eyes.

“Your mom’s sick?” The bar attendant asked.

“Yes, and in urgent need of a bone marrow transplant.” I have sold everything I have, all I have left is my body.

“So sorry dear, forgive my manners.. My name is Bella I run this bar. What’s your name?”. Bella asked.

“Nice to meet you Bella, my name is Arya.”

“Not to be a burden, but do you have any job I can do? I don’t care how difficult it is, I can do it..

the surgery is due tomorrow, I will do whatever it takes to get the money ready”. Arya stated with eyes beaming with determination.

“No problem dear, I can fix you up a work and pay you in advance so you can meet up with the surgery deadline” Bella said with a heartfelt smile.

Elated, Arya didn’t realize she gave Bella a hug.

“Thank you so much!”Arya said while wiping her tears.

“Alright dear, how much do you need for the surgery?”.

“Three hundred thousand dollars”.

*Awkward silence* “....”

“I’m sorry dear, but I really don’t have that kind of money on me”. Bella said breaking the silence.

A look of disappointment washed across Arya’s face as she tried to hid it with a smile.

“it’s okay, three hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money, I understand.”

She gets up to leave feeling dejected.

“What if..” Bella asks

Arya stops in her tracks.

“What if I told you there was a way to get this three hundred thousand dollars tonight”.

Arya’s eyes lit up instantly.

“What way?! I can do anything” Arya said in all eagerness.

“Well.. there’s this auction that’s happening tonight, big top business men gather to bid...”

“Okay...” Arya interjects anxiously

Bella giggles at Arya’s childish act.

“They’re bidding on women, a one-night stand.

The bids go up to five hundred thousand dollars, with your beauty nothing less would be expected, then the company takes ten percent of that money..that’s basically it”.

Frozen in her seat Arya sat with her mouth ajar, mixed thoughts filled her mind, never in her wildest dreams did she think she would loose her virginity this way!

Seeing Arya’s reaction, Bella suddenly felt ashamed of her suggestion.

“I shouldn’t have said that, let’s think of another way...”

“I’ll do it!” Arya blurted out.

“I’ll do it, I’ve run out of options anyways.”

“Plus, it’s just for one night”Arya said trying to console herself.

The event starts at ten, meaning we have just two hours left.

I’m sure the recruiting process has ended by now but not to worry the manager is an old friend of mine, just a call away and you’ll be on board. Bella said with a coy smile.

One glance at Bella and anyone can see she isn’t simple,

she exudes a cheerful and caring personality but your greatest mistake will be to underestimate her!. Arya couldn’t help but wonder...

“Alright, all done but you have to hurry” Bella announces pulling Arya back to reality.

“Oh yes, thank you so much” Arya answered with teary eyes.

“I’m more than happy to help dear, let me have you number, I’ll text you the address”.

Luckily her phone is still safe even after all the ruckus.

“Alright dear all done” Bella said as she returned Arya’s phone.

“All right, thank you so much for your help.” Arya said while getting up and leaving.

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Aimen Ali
Unique start
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Uwakmfon Bassey
Damn! Love it

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