

Asher couldn’t protect me these past four years from all the monsters who had bent me over the side of my own bed and fucked me until my eyes filled with tears and I was begging fucking begging them to stop. He couldn’t protect me from experiment after experiment that Dad had done on me to make me a perfect specimen, a perfect fucking suitor for any type of species who could want to use my body.

I had done fine, escaping Dad’s estate, all by myself. I had gone through torture worse than that poison that Lucas had taken and those men who wanted to find me. I didn’t need him to protect me.

Doubling down, I put all my weight onto the pillow to hold it in place. I looped my legs around his and ground my hips against the front of his to stop his body from spazzing. If I had to use fucking force to show him that I was strong and capable of the truth, then I would.

But, hell, it was getting hot in here. He even had the windows cracked open, and it was October.

A low growl rumbled through the
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