
050 - Wolf X Witch X Demon


Rage was quiet the whole time he was running until we headed toward the end of the university, where I knew the old library stood. He growled loudly as he sped up in that direction.

‘Did you smell her?’ I asked, hoping he would answer me this time.

‘Yes! Her scent was getting stronger.’ He answered at the exact moment an emotion crossed my chest. I was worried since we realized Alas and Alastor were the same person, but I tried to block off any of my feelings so I could freely feel Althea’s emotions if she decided to lower her walls.

And she finally did, and it also meant she was nearby.

I could sense her fear, and it made me restless. And I had no fucking idea how I would tell the demons floating around me about it. They had been disappearing and appearing from time to time. I was guessing they were looking for her, too, by checking all the other places Rage couldn’t get into.

Rage went up the steps of the old library, and I felt the four of them above me. They were al
Cassandra M

Thank you for waiting, lovelies! Thank you for all the gems and comments! I apologize for slow updates as its the holiday season and there are many things to do. I hope you're all havign a great week! 💖

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Comments (10)
goodnovel comment avatar
Emma Reid
Oh wow this is so intense
goodnovel comment avatar
OMG! I hope Blade got there before he was able to inject his venom into her!! This is most definitely a nail biter! My Love/Hate for cliff hangers is in FULL swing lol
goodnovel comment avatar
Omg what a cliffhanger.. it increased My Heart Rate ......

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