

“This will take time, but I’ll do my best to expedite the process,” I said, handing him some paperwork.

“Thank you, Racheal. I appreciate it,” he said quietly, his eyes unable to meet mine. I’m glad he’s a bit scared of me now. 

I stood up, gathering the documents. 

“Actions have consequences, Benjamin. You taught me that.”

He flinched at my words, but there was no malice in my voice. Just truth. I walked out of the room with my back straight and my steps confident. I wasn’t the weak, heartbroken woman he had left behind. I was someone new, someone stronger. And I am sure he sees that.

The next morning, I arrived at the police station early, ready to finalize the paperwork for Abigail’s release. Benjamin was already there, looking weary but determined.

We sat down to go over the final details. As we worked, I could feel his eyes on me, filled with a mix of admiration and regret. He was seeing the strong woman I had become, and it was clear he felt ashamed of how he had treated me.

Finally, everything was in order. “Abigail is free to go,” I said, handing him the last of the paperwork. If it were up to me, I would make sure that Abigail rots in jail, but she didn’t commit a substantial crime for me to do that. 

“Thank you, Racheal,” he said sincerely. “For everything.”

I nodded. “Just get out of my sight, Benjamin.” I wanted to ask him about my son, but I felt I shouldn’t engage in more conversation with him. I wanted him to leave as soon as possible, and I didn’t want anything to interrupt the new life that I had built for myself here. Plus, the hate I have for him is enough for me to try and arrest him on false charges. 

As he left with Abigail, I felt a sense of relief; the more he was in the same room with me, the more I felt like just strangling him. I had built a life I was proud of, one where I commanded respect and held my head high.

Benjamin’s POV

After securing Abigail's release and returning to the hotel, I couldn't shake the image of Racheal from my mind. The transformation was astounding. The weak, calm, and heartbroken woman I left behind was now a confident, powerful professional. I felt a strange mix of admiration and regret. I needed to understand what had happened in her life since our bitter divorce. I booked a flight for Abigail back to Bologna; I didn’t want to leave just yet. I felt I should try and find out what Racheal has been up to ever since our divorce. But I gave Abigail the excuse that I wanted to try and handle some business while I was out here.

My name is Benjamin Alessandro, and I am 33 years old. I am a serial entrepreneur. I own a chain of restaurants called Bessandro Food Palace all around Italy. I have made my mark in the food industry and was probably recognized in the whole of Italy. I was born and brought up in Bologna, Italy, which was where I met my now-ex-wife Racheal. I am the CEO of the Bessandro Empire.

I started asking around discreetly, trying to piece together Racheal’s new life here in Rome. I learned that she had struggled as a single mother, raising a daughter on her own. With the age of the daughter, it was clear that Racheal gave birth to twins, which meant that Lorenzo has a twin sister I know nothing about. This revelation hit me like a freight train. I knew we had a child, Lorenzo, but I had no idea we had a daughter as well.

I felt betrayed by this revelation. My mother, who I thought I could trust, had hidden this from me. I can’t believe she knew Racheal gave birth to twins and didn’t tell me anything about it all these years. The divorce agreement had stipulated that Racheal would leave our baby with me and my mother, but she had taken one of the twins and disappeared. I was filled with a lot of rage and anger.

Later that evening, I called my mother, barely containing my anger. “Mom, we need to talk. Now.”

“Is everything alright, son?” she asked, sounding worried.

“No, everything is not alright. Why didn’t you tell me about my daughter?” I demanded, my voice shaking.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. “Benjamin, I thought it was for the best. She had twins, and I left one to her to take care of. I am a mother too, so I understand how it feels for a mother to want to be with her child. That’s why I had to let her take her daughter. She was also afraid for you to find out that she took her daughter.”

"Besides, where are you right now? Are you now? And how did you come to find out all these? Are you with Racheal?” 

"Mom, don’t change the topic. Afraid? What was she afraid of?” I nearly shouted, pacing the room.

“She was afraid you would take both children away from her. She was in a fragile state, and she made me promise to take care of her son, and I also promised myself I would never tell you about your daughter unless you found out on your own,” my mother explained, her voice breaking.

I felt a mix of fury and sorrow. “I can’t believe you kept this from me. You had no right.”

“Please understand. It was a difficult decision for me to make,” she pleaded.

I hung up, my mind racing. I had to find Racheal and get to the bottom of this. I couldn’t believe she had hidden our daughter from me, no matter her reasons.

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